Reliable web site for purchasing train ticket in Japan?
At the end of the trip, we plan to take the Shinkansen train from Kyoto back to Tokyo to spend a few more days there. Can anyone recommend a web site to purchase the tix and get them by email?
While rail ninja looks easy to use, there are a lot of negative reviews of their service posted.
Try His info on trains in Spain was very helpful and he does have info on Japan.
BKMD: JR West offers great train passes, worthwhile even for 1 or 2 trips. I ordered a Kansai Area Pass online and picked up when I arrived, heading to Kyoto from Osaka b/f meeting a tour ( JR West is one of 6 railway operators in Japan and part of the Japan Railways Group (JR Group). It operates trains in the regions of Kansai, western Honshu and Chugoku. That includes cities like Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe and Hiroshima. You will need to find the rail company that covers your route.
BKMD, did you end up purchasing your train fare online?
No. We wound up buying them directly at the train station. It wasn't a problem, contrary to what some web sites suggested (such as needing to buy them 24 hours in advance, which wasn't true).