City of David

I'm posting this under the "Jordan" heading because, unfortunately there's no separate heading for Israel. I had a wonderful trip to Israel & Jordan in March 2020 (one of my favorites) that was cut short by Covid. In March, I will be attempting my third try at "Jerusalem, the Red Sea & Petra" to see places that we could not see on the prior trip because of Covid, plus additional places. I love Jerusalem, and am looking forward to going back, but I don't need to repeat everything that I did on my earlier trip. On my own, I want to explore the archaelogical site, "The City of David." I have been to the website, and see that there are guided tours at 10:00 a.m. -- but I need a tour in English. I haven't been able to figure out on line which tours might be in English (probably my technological inability). Does anyone know whether and when tours are given in English?


  • edited January 2023

    How about the Israel & Jordan Sub-category? :D
    For some reason it is listed under the Egypt & Jordan Category at the right.

    It looks like a good tour, especially if you want to split J&E into two separate tours- Jewels of the Nile and Jerusalem, the Red Sea, and Petra. The time in Petra may be somewhat limited unless you get a really early start from Aqaba. I noticed the itinerary for Petra includes mention of the Monastery which requires a bit of a climb, "Guided exploration here views the tomb-lined Street of Facades, the 700-seat Theatre, the Great Temple, the Royal Tombs and the Monastery."

  • I didn't know (or most likely had forgotten about) the sub-category!

  • You should also consider the Western Wall tunnel tour. It's really fascinating. It takes you down to excavations under the old city, dating back about 2000 years. They offer the tour in multiple languages, including English.

  • I did that tour on my last trip to Israel -- and I think that it was based on your recommendation. I agree that it was a wonderful tour.

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