Evening Dress

We are headed to Patagonia in a few weeks. I'm assuming it is a pretty casual tour, but wondering if most people change for dinner?? What should we pack for the evenings? Appreciate any input from those who have done this trip. Thanks in advance!


  • You might want to have something dressy for your short time in BA. Otherwise, we classed it as an adventure tour and wore the appropriate clothing for that. Three layers on our legs and two layers on our heads etc. The winds are fierce.
    Dinners were very late and slow when we went. Great tour!

  • I was on this trip over Xmas 2018. Great trip! It is primarily an adventure trip and is very casual.
    You are going in the heart of their summer, so I wouldn't expect the need for many layers as British describes. As I recall, she went a month before I did, and we had much better weather than she did YMMV. Expect it to be very hot in Santiago and BA this time of year.

  • edited February 2023

    We just returned from this trip. People changed for dinner for the welcome cocktails and even a bit nicer for the farewell reception followed by the Tango show. People did tend to change out of their outdoor wear for other evening meals - but nothing fancy. Dinners often start late and are very slow. Some meals out were very casual. Weather was very good for us. Little wind and little rain. We got lucky. The advice from the tour director was to "bring everything" every day, because you never know. That meant rain gear, hats, gloves, and maybe a fleece or lightweight puffy in your "day pack." Even with nice weather, it gets cold on the 2 cruise days out to glaciers and you will wear those items!!

  • CatLover8- Can you be more specific on the daily gear you brought? What types of hats, gloves, layers, etc did you bring? Waterproof, Wool? We are doing the tour in October and I'm researching what to pack. Thanks for your help.

  • Mimitravels - We had Patagonia puffy coats, fleece jackets, long underwear, waterproof coats (shells - pull on over the puffy coat) and waterproof pants. I had a wool hat and fleece gloves. The weather is unpredictable and can vary substatially. A day pack is a must bring item. We permanently kept our watrproof jackts and pants in there as well as the "other" jacket we weren't wearing, hats and gloves. Bring on us, bring on the 2 cruises. Inside cruise cabins it is warm, but outside can be cold and windy and you will go outside for all the breathtaking pictures. You never know what you are going to need. I hope that helps.

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