Petra to the Pyramids Weather March 10-22

Any insights on weather details for this trip? Rain forecast, etc.



  • edited 2023 20

    We went 17 - 29 Mar 2022. The weather was great. Some mornings and evenings were cool. To be comfortable have sweater or light jacket. It was hot in Aswan and Luxor, but not unbearably so. Like all tours, layers is the way to go. We wore springtime or our safari attire. We had some light rain/drizzle during the day in Jerash but beautiful blue skies the rest of the time in Jordan and Egypt. A great source of detailed weather presented in text and graphical format for most cities in the world is WeatherSpark dot com.

  • We start our Israel and Jordan tour March 20th. We never book any tour without checking the average weather first because we don’t like it too hot or too cold for touring, it’s a very important top decisions maker for us. Tauck does a reasonable job of weather mentioning usual weather averages on their webpage but they are sometimes misleading. …the Weather websites are better. Tauck mentions clothing too. We know what our bodies can cope with and so use that information too. Me I run hot, so I usually wear less clothing than some of my fellow Tauck companions.

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