Visiting Pisa from Lucca

Hello all…I am going on the small group classic italy tour and I see that we arrive in Lucca in the afternoon and looks like early departure the following morning. Has anyone done this trip and was there time to visit Pisa while there?? I see it is a half hour train ride but doesn’t look like much ‘free’ time. Anyone?? Thank you!


  • I may have answered my own question. I see that we are in San Martino for a couple of days and it is closer!! Will likely have time then.

  • We were on the Small Group Classic Italy last May. For San Martino, if you are referring to the hotel Posta Donini, San Martino in Campo, Italy, that is nowhere near Pisa. That is the hotel we stayed at for visiting Orvieto and Assisi and is in the middle of the country.
    Also Lucca is a lovely little town which we enjoyed very much.
    There was not enough time for visiting Pisa.

  • edited March 2023

    Check out the Classic Italy and Classic Italy archives (see listing to the right). Our itinerary was slightly different (didn’t go to Luca) but did exactly what you want to do from Florence. Your schedule doesn’t show enough time for extra activities in Lucca but it appears you have enough free time on Days 10 or 11 to hire a car to take you to Pisa.

    There is a ton of stuff to see in Florence but you need to get tickets if you want to fit everything in since the Duomo and Opera del Duomo attractions are all timed entry and you don’t want to wait in line for tickets and again to enter. We saw all the major Opera dei Duomo attractions, including climbing Brunneleschi’s dome and made a brief excursion via car to Pisa where we visited the piazza dei Miracoli, the Duomo, and climbed the leaning tower. Advanced tickets to climb the tower are a must- I got all tickets several months in advance.

  • Thank you Sue and Alan for your replies!! This is all great info. Yes, we have a few days in Florence and I have been there before so that may be the most opportune time to visit Pisa. Of course when I ‘google mapped’ it was not as it really is. ;o). Looking forward to our trip. Going back to the places i loved (spent two weeks on the Amalfi coast) and seeing the places I did not get to (Venice - hope the water level increase in the next two month). My friend has never been so all new for her!! Again, your replies and information is very much appreciated! Happy and safe travels to all.

  • A little more info. As far as getting tickets to Opera dei Duomo, in actuality, no ticket is required for Duomo itself since it is an operating church, but you need tics to visit crypt where Brunneleschi and others are buried, baptistry, museum, Giotto’s bell tower and the dome climb, which are all part of the Opera. Also, be careful, there are a few websites that look authentic but are not! I don’t remember time to drive, to Pisa, but it was less than an hour. Unlike, the bus, your sedan can drive to the front of Brunelleschi Hotel. We did so much extra, I made a spreadsheet to work out all the timing. Classic Italy, Small Groups is one of our all-time favorites.

  • Thank you Alan! Pisa is something we most definitely want to do so if you have any suggestions as to what service to use for transport, all suggestions welcome. Would the concierge be able to arrange that for us?? I love planning and my friend and travel buddy for many years, has the job of just getting excited when I present her with great itineraries. I remember being so enthralled when first seeing the Duomo in person…cannot even imagine the size of it from any photos. I found a website with some great tours - the Roman I found a tour for Murano and Burano in Venice. Small group. Open to any suggestions for that as well. Will put all your great ideas in my travel journal/planner. :O). S

  • We used and outfit called Driver in Italy for a walking private guide for Capri, a car/driver and guide for Naples/Herculaneum/Archaeological museum, and a driver only for Pisa. Concierge at Brunelleschi Hotel can probably arrange transport to Pisa, but again, get your tickets ahead of time.

  • Wonderful, thank you once again Alan! Very helpful information and much appreciated. Grazie!

  • Can anyone advise me of the following: leaving from Toronto for connection in Paris then Naples with Air France. Does anyone know if the luggage will be send directly on to Naples or do we have to claim our bags in Paris and re-check them. I ‘believe’ they go direct with the same airline but want to confirm. Going may 9 for small group classic Italy. Thank you for any/all info!

  • Same airline or same alliance (e.g. Skyteam- Delta, Air France, KLM, etc.) bags will be ticketed through to final destination. Unless there is a airline meltdown like last year! :D

  • edited March 2023

    When you check your bags in Toronto, make sure the tags show Naples as the final destination.

  • The train from Maria Novella is an easy option. You will need to get there a little early to buy your round trip ticket. The Pisa station is about a 1.25 miles or 25 minute walk to the tower. You should but a timed ticket prior to leaving for your trip if your going to climb the tower.. You will need to drop even smallish bags and all backpacks at the cloak room next to the ticket office just to the north of the tower. They can be a little stringent on what you can take up the tower if you choose to climb.

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