The Rhine Amsterdam and Swiss Alps - Evening Clothing

We are planning on going on the river cruise mid June. What do you wear in the evenings for the dinners? How dressy?


  • Tauck river cruises aren't super dressy for the most part. The packing list for this tour lists a sport coat and tie as optional. For the welcome, farewell and occasional special dinner off the ship, my husband typically packs 1-2 long sleeve dress shirts, slacks and something dressier than sneakers for shoes (leather dockers). If it's chilly he adds a Vneck sweater. I wear dress slacks, a nice top, some bling or a scarf, and either nice sandals or flats. I have worn a dress a few times but it certainly isn't required.

    You will see a mix from people who really like to dress up to those who go for the "resort casual" whatever that is. It's all fine. As long as it's clean don't worry about wearing outfits multiple times. Nobody will remember. Do make sure you can adjust your clothing based on the weather - for day or evening wear. It can be surprisingly chilly on the river even in the summer - especially if it's underway which happens a lot at dinner.

  • edited April 2024

    Ditto what Claudia says. We've taken 6 River Cruises with 3 more booked and the only time we dress up is if we are leaving the boat for a dinner in a palace and it specifically says 'sport coat/tie required' - it takes up LOTS of space to pack a sport coat, so we no longer do.

    Thankfully the dinners onboard have become more casual over the years. We go over for at least 2 weeks and we don't have room in our luggage for daytime attire AND evening attire. We do dress nicely for dinner, but we no longer pack all the 'extras' that take up lots of room and weight.

    You will see a good mix of dressy and resort casual - it's your vacation - do what you are comfortable with. We are doing this cruise in April 2024 - seems there is one dinner OFF the boat and unless it has changed from Claudia's note above, a sport coat is optional -- so I know my husband won't bring one. He took one in Sept on our Ultimate Alps and Dolomites trip and it got super wrinkled in his luggage and only a few men ended up wearing one. He said he'll never bring one again unless it's required. The extra shoes alone are enough bulky items.

    We spend LOTS of money on vacation and dressing up isn't something we enjoy doing on vacation - we pack essentials and not the extras anymore - plus, on a river cruise, by the time we get back on the boat after being in town all day, there isn't time to dress up before dinner.

  • Chanda,

    Regarding your question specific to this tour, there is a reception and dinner at Schloss Ehreshoven in
    Germany. The setting is quite elegant, as is the dinner. If you enjoy dressing up, this would be the occasion to do so.

    We enjoyed this tour immensely. Should you have additional questions, I would be happy to attempt to answer them. Enjoy and please post a review afterwards.

  • Could you please note how long the trip is from the ship to this dinner?

  • I just posted a review of this tour and answered this question. For us it was about 1hr, 20min. Looks like they've changed the night for this dinner moving forward, so it shouldn't be that far

  • Talljack - Driving time is predicated on where the ship is docked, which could change through no fault of Tauck's. We took this trip seven (7) years ago but do not recall a lengthy bus drive.

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