Koln Germany train to amsterdam

We doing the Amsterdam to Koln Rhine river tour 2024.

We thinking about taking the train back to Amsterdam
and were wondering if anyone has
done this and just trying to coordinate the timeline of
getting off the boat and to the train station on time?

Thank you!


  • edited June 2023

    ??? Welcome to the forums. I'm not sure which cruise you are taking. No cruises that start in Amsterdam end in Köln.

    After XMAS Mkts on the Rhine, we took a train from Dusseldorf to Hamburg- easy and convenient. For any sort of European train details check out "The man in seat 61 . . guides". https://www.seat61.com

  • I haven't done that particular route, but I have taken trains in Germany as well as Germany to Amsterdam. It's certainly an option.

    If you plug Koln and Amsterdam into google maps, then click on the train icon at the top, it will show you various options. Looks like it's a bit under 3 hours on the fastest trains. From Amsterdam Centraal Station, there's a train to the airport. IIRC, it takes about 20 minutes and runs frequently.

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