Venice, Florence, Rome backpacks and cameras

I have been reading online that most sites in Italy do not allow backpacks and camera. If this is true, then are there facilities to store this equipment. How strictly is this enforced. Do the Tauck tour directors tell people on the tour ahead of time what they need to leave back at hotel.


  • You leave things on the bus, normal on any Tauck tour and very safe.

  • Many places won't allow backpack for the primary reason that when you turn you either bump other people or art work. I leave a small daypack on the bus with anything I might need between stops. But I carry a Peak Design 6L sling or a Wotancraft 7L pilot shoulder bag with my camera, sun glasses, hand sanitizer... It's like a large man purse. Never had an issue. If I am in a crowd I swing it in front so I am less likely to have unwanted hands opening it. Some places won't let you take photos, but they will let you know.

  • Lots of good reasons to leave big backpacks on the bus or the hotel room. I've been whacked by people with big backpacks standing in line.

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