Electrical outlets

Is an electrical outlet adapter required in hotels on tour?

Also, trying to limit clothes - best way to get laundry done given land cruise means changing hotels every other day.


  • Yes, you will need a UK (not European) plug adapter for your dual voltage electrical items. If you use the hotel laundry services, check with the hotel about turnaround time and plan accordingly.

  • Are power pacs dual voltage? What is the best brand of multiple plug strip to travel with.

  • If you mean the wall transformer, most are. Read the fine print on it. Hopefully it will say 100-240VAC, 50-60 Hz. If it doesn't, beware.

  • For my small batteries in my camera i use the razor outlet in the bathroom. It will fit a 120 volt plug and the charger is dual voltage.

  • Most of the hotels had usb outlets. They probably were usb A. I have a small plug that converts my usb c to usb a. Bought on amazon, I think 4 for $5. I think we needed our type g (UK) adapter in one hotel where there were no usb outlets.

  • This may not help because the tour starts in Dublin, but when we took that tour, we found a commercial laundry in Dublin that did our laundry and folded it in a couple of hours - and for a very reasonable charge.

    Look here - https://www.mikeandjudytravel.com/2018Ireland-01.htm - just after the picture of the Hotel Conrad, for a description of the laundry place.

    We were doing two tours back-to-back so we had dirty laundry at the start of the Ireland tour.

  • I am at the end of my 3 week trip to Scotland, Wales, England and Ireland. Now in Dublin at the Shelbourne Hotel.. No laundry anywhere nearby that I can see.
    As for plugs on these 3 weeks I very often had to use my UK F-plug adapter.USB plugs not very often found in our hotels.The Shelbourne hotel has a clock radio with a USB-A and C charge outlet, at least in my room.

  • Look for Bright Wash, 26 Aungier St, Saint Peter's, Dublin. They did our laundry for a very reasonable price and gave it back to us folded in a couple of hours. It's an 11 minute walk from your hotel.

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