The Lisbon intercontinental hotel and CPAP use.

Should you be using a CPAP medical device at the Lisbon Intercontinental, understand this.
The room electrical system, lights and electrical outlets, will turn OFF during the night.
This occurs whenever there is NO movement for any time more than 20 minutes.
Yes, the room card is in the slot by the door but power will end if you do not move during the night.
We were there for four nights. The first night kept waking, sitting up to check the machine, which my motion activated the electricity, turned the machine back on. Only to be repeated all night long.
Figured this out and inquired at desk. They indicated that the auto function could be disabled and scheduled for that to occur.
That did not happen. Someone failed.
Talked to desk a second time and explained. This time I and they waited until a person could confirmed that it had been turned off.
Problem corrected.


  • I will be staying at the Intercontinental in Paris and am glad you alerted me to that as I, too, use a CPAP machine and will inquire on check-in about the motion sensitive electricity.

  • What about charging phones, cameras overnight?

  • They won’t work either! Wow, surprised no one else has mention this and even more surprised Tauck os not notifying people in the final documents since so many Tauckers appear to be CPAP.

  • I don't remember ever having anything like this happen in any hotels including this one.

    We discovered years ago that one of our European adapters has this very thin light ring around it. Barely noticeable unless its the middle of the night and your eyes have adjusted to dark. Then it makes a really great nightlight.

  • edited September 2023

    I believe something is amiss here. My husband had no problem charging his hearing aids overnight. Nor were there any issues with the bathroom lights overnight. We have stayed at the InterContinental Lisbon twice and the InterContinental Paris three times. No issues.

  • I have been in hotels that work like that

  • I as well. There is a way to override, but I don't recall. One thing we always do in any hotel is to make sure we know how to operate the room systems and shower before we retire.

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