Portrait of Arabia

Is it necessary to have cash or are credit cards sufficient?


  • The only time you may need cash is if you want to buy something at the souk and the vendor does not accept credit cards. Other than that, credit cards should be sufficient.

  • We used dollars and credit cards in the Souk

  • Any advice on bargaining in the souk? In Turkey I got taken to the cleaner’s and would prefer to be more savvy next time.

  • The only things that I thought might be worth buying as far as I was concerned were spices. If you want Saffron, there are various qualities so seek advice from your guide. Frankincense is popular to buy, I I wasn’t interested. Otherwise it was just the usual market stuff, in other words, pashmina’s galore like you can buy on New York streets for $5. I’ve got loads of them but it didn’t stop me buying a knock off Burberry one. For yes about $5. Lots of dates, stuffed with various things like nuts or covered in chocolate, our locals guide took us to a date outlet. I can’t compare the Souk to Turkey or a Moroccan Medina becaise I haven’t been there.

  • Bargaining advice:
    1. Counter with 25% of initial asking price
    2. When they balk, start walking away. Almost always, they will chase after you and counter.
    3. Say "too much" and start walking again
    4. Be polite

    If it doesn't work out, you'll probably see 100 other stalls with the same item. And if it still doesn't work out, realize you don't really need whatever it is, anyway.

    It may help if you don't act like an American. In Istanbul, my wife and I communicated with each other in French (we both took it in high school) and spoke to the merchant in broken English . The merchant had a puzzled look on his face and asked where we were from. We said Belgium. She wound up buying several knockoff Polos for under 10 USD each.

  • French is also my go-to when traveling, though two carpet seller brothers in Istanbul didn't buy it, though neither did I buy from them. Thanks for the souk tips; I leave soon for a week in Dubai, having decided against a cruise. Was delighted to learn that Emirates Business incl. pickup to/from airports. Was able to avoid crazy flight times by stopping in Lisbon en route and Frankfurt on return. HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!

  • Happy New Year. Glad to see you are someone who is not afraid to go!

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