
We are coming off of a cruise in Southhampton but not flying out until the next morning.
We are setting up transportation to pick us up at the cruise port and takes us to Windsor castle for a few hours and then to our hotel at Heathrow
Those of you that have been to Windsor, is it easy to tour on your own or better to do it with a tour guide?


  • It’s years since we went ,Don’t you have to do a tour these days?

  • We went as part of Taucks England Scotland Wales tour which used to include it. Looking at their website, it looks like the stand ticket (30 pounds for adults) includes a MultiMedia guide which I assume means one of those hand held units so you can self guide. I prefer those so I can spend more time on what I find interesting and adjust to crowds but I'm sure there are some very good guides you could book.

  • edited January 2024

    Absolutely you can do it on your own. I'm not sure, but I think Rick Steves has a written guide in his tour book. However, do you have a plan for your luggage?

  • Our plan is to book a car service to pick us up and takes us to Windsor, they will wait a few hours for us and keep our luggage then take us to hotel
    For an additional charge ( a hefty one!!) we can also include a tour guide.

  • Here’s my thought Mary. It seems a very expensive way to see Windsor
    I can’t recall how far Windsor is From Southampton, but it could be a rush experience. Can you save it for another time?

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