Lake Como, Venice, Florence Rome April 29

I added a day on the front and back end of my trip. Any suggestions for an extra day in Lake Como? In Rome I'll find a private or small group tour of the Colosseum since it's not part of the Tauck tour. But, open to other recommendations for Rome too.


  • edited January 2024

    Check out the offerings by Driver in Italy ( ) They have provided excellent services to a number of us over the years for Rome and other parts of Italy. I used them in Sorrento, Capri, Naples, Herculaneum, Florence, and Pisa.

  • We added 2 days on in Bellagio on lake Como before our trip. It was lovely to wander around and enjoy the beautiful area. The old town is actually up above the lake. There are parks and lake side walks. Enjoy.

  • The above suggestions are great. I personally love boats and if I had an extra day on Lake Como I would explore the ferry boat system to see other areas around the lake.
    I've been to Rome several times and never get tired of the Galleria Borghese, advance tickets required.
    Rick Steves has good information for Rome especially if it is your first time (guidebooks, podcasts, youtube videos etc). Doing your homework for Rome is worthwhile (you can also search these threads). Once you have an idea of what you'd like to see, a guide would certainly take the stress off of figuring out logistical routes for yourself, and it would enrich your experience, but even if you don't, it is still delightful to experience Rome on your own.

  • edited January 2024

    On Lakes Como and Maggiore our tour included visits to Villa Carlotta and to Isola Bella. Both have privately owned Villas that have beautiful gardens and exquisite artwork. If you are staying in the town of Sresa, there is wonderful artisanal gelato and a great (not typical Italian restaurant Trattoria La Botte which was highly recommended by our Tour Director. In Venice we ate at Da Forno off St. Mark's Square last year and really enjoyed it. This year our TD recommended Il Ridetto which was expensive and not nearly as good.

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