
Just wondering how dressed up folks get for dinners in Japan.
I assume daytime dress is very casual...are jeans ok?


  • We rarely take jeans on vacation, they are too heavy. We have not taken the Tauck tour, our recent tour to Japan we could wear our Yukatas to dinner at several of our hotels and ryokans, it was awesome. I think you might wear whatever is comfortable and you have room in your suitcase for while you have enough room for every day touring clothes

  • It all depends, sometimes dinner is after tours so I never changed, all other times, slacks and a top were fine. Like British said jeans are too heavy to pack I've never taken them on vacation, very light weight capris.

  • Are mid-thigh dressy shorts acceptable for men and women for daytime sightseeing?

  • I would personally not call any mid thigh shorts ‘dressy’ but that’s just me. If you are going in a temple or shrine, you might be denied entry.

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