Where does the cruise boat board in Amsterdam for south bound cruises?

If someone could share a Google map link that would be hugely appreciated!


  • edited April 2024

    The docking location can change from day to day and cruise to cruise. You can use Cruise Mapper dot com to see where some of the Tauck (Scylla) boats and others typically dock if you zoom in. It looks like MS Joy is headed to a docking somewhere.

  • If you look on a map of Amsterdam find the Central train station then look to the east and you'll see the Passenger Terminal Amsterdam. The terminal is for the big ocean ships. In between those two points are the docks the river cruise ships use at Ruijterkade. We've been there twice though the exact docks changed slightly.
    Once docked on a long pier with about 7 other ships and the second time closer to the shore but both very near one another. I don't believe your departure direction has any impact on where the ship will be. There is a website to help find where specific ships will be www.cruiseportamsterdam.com.

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