Europes Crown Jewel July 10, 2024 - Camera question

After seeing Mike Henderson's blog I am wondering... is an iPhone 13 Pro Max sufficient or is it worthwhile to take a digital camera...shoots from 21-1365 zoom telephoto...

also, going in July, will we still need gloves and puffy type jackets? Wish I could only use a carry on and back pack but it isn't going to happen!!!


  • If you're going on the excursion to Jungfraujoch yes you'll need some cold weather clothing. Even in Sep when we went there was still snow on the ground there and the ice palace is literally a walkin freezer. The weather outside may be quite pleasant but it's a hard one to predict.

  • I did all the photography on that tour with an iPhone 15 Pro Max. I had an iPhone 13 earlier and I find the camera in the 15 to be a bit better, but I think photography with the 13 should be fine. The biggest problem I often have is I forget to take pictures. I get involved in the event and miss an important shot.

    The telephoto on both the 13 and 15 is not great. Once you get into digital zoom, be careful and limit how much zoom you do. If you push it too far, the image loses sharpness - a lot - and looks pretty bad.

  • Neddie Honig - I can't help you with the camera preference since I always use my iPhone for taking an occasional picture. Being that you will travel in July and will only be at higher elevations relatively briefly, my attire choice would be merino wool and or cashmere blend top under a lightweight wind breaker or a lightweight quilted vest. I wouldn't bother with gloves, but I would take a lightweight scarf which you could also wrap your hands in if need be. Just my opinion based on personal preferences and travel experiences. With the effects of global warming upon us, it has become quite challenging to predict the elements. Enjoy your tour.

  • We went up the Jungfrau in the summer and it snowed. There was a lot of snow on the ground at the observatory. I had both a hat and gloves. I had on many layers ending with a hooded windbreaker. All were appreciated. A hat and gloves do not take up much room. I would put them in your backpack or pockets for the day. If you don't need them, great. However, you want to be prepared so that you can enjoy your visit even in adverse circumstances.

    As someone once said....there's never bad weather, only inappropriate clothing!

  • I always bring a light puffy jacket and a rain shell in the mountains regardless of the time of year. The puffy doesn’t weigh much and compresses down. The only thing I missed on the camera issue the last time I was in Switzerland is a telephoto lens. Phones are great and the iPhone creates great pictures up to about the 2x zoom level. If I were to supplement my iPhone with a lightweight option, I would bring my older Olympus OMD 5 mark 2 and the Panasonic 35–100 f 4 to 5.6 which gives me a 70 to 200 mm lens.

  • Thanks everyone for their responses. Yes, we are supposed to go to the Jungfrau... so will pack some gloves and hat or earmuffs etc. Pretty sure we will take both our 13 Pro Max phones and my Canon SX 70 - its light weight and does a great job. Last trip his cell was lost on the airplane (got it back a year later) so one of us used my phone and one the big giant Canon. This one is smaller, lighter and easier to pack and handle.

  • The new mirrorless Nikon cameras have a lense that is 24-120 which can go as far as 180mm on DX mode. Very convenient for trip. IMHO

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