April/May Weather, General Thoughts?

We are considering the Week In Ireland (small group) tour in April or May of 2025. Thoughts about weather this time of year and general thoughts about this trip?


  • It's likely to be anywhere from cool to cold, but a lower chance of rain than some months.

    Here's a link to a handy weather website which give you a month by month look at weather for different locations. The link should take you directly to Ireland


    Or just go to the Weather Spark website and search for Ireland.

    It's a wonderful trip. Lots of great scenery, interesting sighs, and excellent food especially sea food.

  • Claudia, thanks for the weather info/link and for the feedback. Excellent sea food is a huge enticement! Thanks again!

  • When you're in Dublin, I can recommend Matt the Thresher for seafood. Enjoy.

  • Carry an umbrella every day.

  • just did Ire. late May early June. Weather was great. Yes, it rains every day but only for a few minutes. We loved it. The worse day was when we where at the Giant's Causeway. Rain was side-ways.

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