Flotation Vests for Hidden Galapagos Tour Deep Water Snorkeling.

We're booked for the Hidden Galapagos Tour in 2025 and I was wondering if the use of personal floatation vests is allowed for deep water snorkeling. I am not a strong swimmer but have enjoyed wonderful snorkeling in many locations while using a personal flotation vest - most recently at the great Barrier Reef. I can bring my own if needed but I wasn't sure if they would be allowed. I've heard the waters can be rough and may be quite cold but the snorkeling is amazing. Any thoughts?


  • On our May 2024 Tauck trip to Galapagos there were some individuals who brought their own snorkel mask and tube. I say this only to suggest that the Galapagos Islands do permit personal equipment in their waters despite the ecologically sensitive nature of the area. Nobody on our tour used personal floatation devices. All but one brave soul used the provided shorty wet suits, on every dive (Snorkeling was offered every day). I suggest you confirm with Tauck before packing the floatation device. The snorkeling visibility was good to excellent but this is not guaranteed. As you probably know the Galapagos is in the middle of three converging ocean currents. Temperature and turbidity will vary from location to location. Water conditions varied from flat calm to pretty rough on the last day where only three gallant souls ventured in but were rewarded with white tip reef shark and hammer head shark sightings. Its probably a once in a lifetime opportunity, so I suggest you do what you have to to make it happen. Swimming with schools of colorful fish, seals and turtles playing around you will not be forgotten quickly

  • edited July 11

    Look at the 1:09 point in the Hidden Galapagos video on the tour pages https://www.tauck.com/tours/hidden-galapagos-peru-escorted-tour?tcd=eb2025&filters=q:galapagos;single:0;double:1;triple:0;quad:0 (see my screen capture.)

    Also, emergency flotation is a available though I don't believe you can use it to snorkel. We are all wearing the orange emergency flotation collars but I believe the person on the right in the second photo is holding one of the yellow snorkeling flotation devices, but the shorty wetsuit alone will keep you afloat. Since I dive down to take photos, I actually wore a weight belt to counteract the buoyancy and make it easier to get down.

  • I have one of those very light yellow snorkel vests I sometimes wear, it depends whether we are in the middle of the ocean or not or how choppy it is and how I am feeling on the day. I first bought it 25 years ago just to give me confidence. These days I soon get into the rhythm of slowing down my breathing in the snorkel. Can’t recall whether I wore it in Galápagos or not.

  • Thanks for the helpful comments and photos. Between the wetsuit and the snorkel vests I should be fine. It’s nice to have the extra flotation help to increase confidence. The photos look like everyone is having a very fun time. Looking forward to this trip!

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