Gran Melia in Arusha - Prices for Meals and Spa Services?

We head over for a Bridges tour in Tanzania in about week. Nowhere online can I find info about the prices of meals at the various restaurants at the hotel site or for the spa services at the Gran Melia Arusha.

Can anyone please share general information about meal costs and prices for a massage? Should we plan for about $20 per person per meal at the hotel, or will it be more? Are we expected to tip for the meals and the spa services, and if so, what is an appropriate percentage?

Thanks in advance.


  • Heading there tomorrow. Will report back

  • edited July 2024

    Safe Travels British...we'll be following right behind on Sunday Night!

    GRAN MELIA ARUSHA TANZANIA – FULL HOTEL REVIEW [2021] - the video version of the review is at the end!

  • Have a great time with the family British, enjoy, enjoy.

  • Thank you dogdoctor for the info and video link; it was helpful. From what he says in the video, it seems the dinner cost in at least one of the restaurants is $60/person.

  • We just arrived at the hotel. About four restaurants to choose from including buffet. All prices in Tanzania money. I did not see the bill. Unless you are coming in several days early, you will only have to find a couple of meals as breakfasts are paid for in pre stay rooms.

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