clothing advice



  • edited August 2024

    My husband pays no attention to what other men are or are not wearing. He dresses for himself and for the venue. Do people actually take a count and record what people wear? That's a rhetorical question. We have far better things to focus on when traveling. I have never understood the fixation on attire nor the belief that a jacket takes up too much luggage room. But as the saying goes, to each their own—or something like English fails me at times.

  • edited August 2024

    British, we had 40 on our trip. At the final dinner, at least half the men wore a sport coat. Some were dressed very casually, not even a collared shirt, and really stood out. Our TD wore a sport coat. As I said, not necessary, just telling you what I experienced, it’s up to the individual.

  • Wow, like I said, the groups vary so much. It’s obvious here on the forum it’s a subject that worries many people.
    Our next tour is a small ship one. I’ve only started noticing whether men wear jackets since I started reading the forum about clothing. My suitcase is half full of things to wear at dinner, it will be interesting to see what type of group we get.

  • edited August 2024

    We don’t dress up, I wear black slacks or capris and take a couple of nice tops, costume jewelry. My husband happens to like wearing a sport coat occasionally, no tie…he just lays it on top of everything else in the suitcase.

    When we did the French Escapade last year, one man wore jeans and a Tshirt to Fouquet’s. Enough said.

  • We are on a small group tour. I think they said 24. This does not sound so small really. They suggest a sport jacket for the men. I am worried about the weather. I live in Florida so 50's and rain sounds cold to me. Bring a puffy jacket? I was just going to wear good sneakers as my hiking shoes are heavy? Suggestions? sandal at night? Thanks, Carol

  • I'm also from Florida. I went on this tour at the end of January into February, I took a wind breaker and puffy jacket which I never wore, sneakers are best to take.
    You can wear sandals for the evening meals, would not wear them during the day. This is a wonderful trip, New Zeeland is beautiful.
    Your 29 inch luggage is fine.
    Have a great time.

  • Thanks amyzng -- I am also doing the tour in October (trip leaving the 17th) and this is helpful.

  • I went to Australia and New Zealand in September and it can get quite cold. Near Alice Springs it was really cold. There was snow in New Zealand and people were skiing.
    Remember that the southern hemisphere is into winter then, the opposite of N.A ! Bring a sweater and dress in layers !

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