Free Time Suggestions

I see a lot of free time built into the itinerary for the trip. Do people who have been on the trip feel it was too much? Too little? Would like to hear what some people did during the free time in various locals.


  • We are going in October and plan on using the hotel facilities which looks amazing. I’ll look at a possible private tour if it appears a major attraction isn’t covered on the tour.

  • Cheesi...I was on this tour in December 2019 and again partially, with the Northern India and Nepal tour, in December 2023. Perhaps the itinerary has changed because there was NOT a lot of free time. The hotels are fabulous and you barely have time to enjoy the amenities. I hope you get Sid as your TD. It's a GREAT tour--It's in my Top 3. Enjoy.

  • I don't remember having a lot of free time in this tour which is a wonderful tour, one of my favorites.

  • Thanks for all the replies. It's helpful to have an idea.

  • Took trip in February. Right up there with our best Tauck tours. Also don’t recall having much free time except in the south. Weren’t able to fully enjoy the FABULOUS hotels. We took a private tour of Old Delhi on the morning of the day the tour met (Tours by locals) and a tour of Bollywood after the tour ended.

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