Confusing itinerary

Our tour begins August 15, 2024. The Tauck website previously indicated changes to the itinerary due to the wildfires. This morning we received an email with the original itinerary which includes Jasper National Park. We know Jasper is closed. We think this itinerary is an error but with no explanation from them we are left confused. We are trying to respect Tauck’s request not to call, but time is running out and I am becoming discouraged with them. Any information from others in a similar situation is appreciated. Thanks, Ellen


  • Things change, but you are entitled to know what the planned itinerary is right now. Call them.

  • Tauck should have cancelled the August 9 "Best of the Canadian Rockies", rather than changing it drastically and expecting people to just spend more time in the first two stops. After all these years with Tauck I feel let down. I realize the fires are not Tauck's fault, but they DO control the trip and guests should have been afforded the opportunity of choosing the modified Canadian trip or getting a refund. I'm taking 4 people to Spain through Tauck next year and am reconsidering that now.

  • edited August 2024

    I think you will find some discussion about natural disasters in the Tauck documents. We have done the trip and Jasper is nice, but I would not call it the highlight of the trip. Horseback riding and walking around the lake was great, but there are other events that are far more exciting and interesting. If you bought Tauck’s insurance you can cancel for any reason. In may cases they will let you move to a different trip without penalty. If you are unhappy, call them and ask for alternatives. They don’t often cancel trips because one stop becomes unavailable due to factors beyond their control. I’m sure there are people who want to go with or without Jasper.

  • Tauck have sent wrong or outdated itineraries to us on several occasions including two just this year. Call them to clarify.

  • Force majeure can be a gotcha. :D

  • Sealord, your comments are super helpful, especially re: Jasper. Thank you.

  • edited August 2024

    Just a few tastes. The Banff Springs by the way was a bit of a dump when CP owned it, but it is now pretty spectacular. The sights are really wonderful, and I hope there is not too much smoke. We almost froze going on the ‘jammer’ across the Great Divide, but it was a great ride anyway.

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