Permethrin on clothes or Deet spray?

Leaving soon for our So. Africa tour to start 9/13. Do most of you use the Deet sprays or wipes instead of spraying clothing with Permethrin? Is that sufficient to ward off the mosquitoes? Also concern about TSA restrictions on carryon limits of 3.4 oz.



  • edited August 2024

    Our travel medicine physician recommended spraying our clothes with Permethrin and it seemed to work very well. But we also used Deep Woods OFF spray (I brought the pump variety) and I brought a mini version (travel size) of OFF along with the OFF wipes. I am a mosquito magnet so I wanted to be prepared. And I got no bites! 🎉

  • edited August 2024

    We just sprayed most of our clothes too - top of socks, pants and shirts. That’s all. I have wipes too but not deet. Deet will destroy fingernail polish from what I understand.

  • edited August 2024

    Here is an oldie but goodie thread:

    Here I am spraying permethrin on shirt cuffs, leg bottoms, and collars of my safari clothes. While wet it shouldn't be inhaled and don't allow pets near when you are spraying. It is safe when dry.

  • edited August 2024

    It’s up to you which method you decide. It’s true about deet ruining nail polish plus you have to take care on plastics and such things as watch faces. Sprays, wipes, wearing clothing covering as much of your skin as possible and malaria meds are all there is. We usually find that the Victoria Falls area of Southern Africa has been the most problematic for mosquitoes.
    I’m not sure why you are worried about the liquids rule, it’s been the rule for around twenty years and it’s never been a problem for us. If you have to take something larger than that, then you put it in your checked luggage. You can buy minis of most anything for travel and most toiletries are provided at the hotels. Perhaps you could be more specific about what you intend to take over the limit?

  • Gail, we are also on the 9/13 tour. We will be spraying our safari clothing with Permathrin and using Repel wipes (30% Deet) on exposed areas, as recommended by our travel clinic. We’ve done this his previously when going to Kenya and Tanzania, and it worked very well. We also will be taking Malarone for malaria prophylaxis. Looking forward to meeting you in Cape Town. We arrive on 9/10. When do you arrive?

  • edited August 2024

    Jan, we arrive in Capetown on the 11th. We are spending 3 nights in London on the way to Cpt. to break up the long flights. Do you spray the clothes before you leave home? If so, does that leave an odor with your other items packed?

  • As mentioned, I just sprayed my clothes. The sprayed clothes according to the instructions on the bottle lasts up to six weeks. There is an odor while spraying so wear gloves and a mask and keep away from pets. There is not an odor when the clothes have dried.

  • Gail, As OurTravels34 stated, there is some odor while spraying, but none once dried. We spray ours about a week before we leave. It is effective for 6 weeks or 6 washings. We use rubber gloves when treating the clothes and spray in our garage with the garage door open. You want to do it in a well ventilated place. Looking forward to seeing you in Cape Town!

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