Kenya and Tanzania- A classic Safari

We just got back from this trip and we checked this forum before our trip so we figure, we return the favor. We had a wonderful trip. August is a great time to visit, not too hot and very few tse tse flies- hardly needed our premethrin spray and lotion but used them anyway. We did all the pre-spray business with all our clothing before packing. For Serengeti, only bring earth tone clothing. Also, if you are sensitive to dust, bring dust masks. None of the hotels provide hair conditioner so bring some if you can't live without them. For meds, Mucinex for cold and Cipro for stomach issues was helpful to some that really needed them. Few people had reaction to Malarin. A light jacket proved very useful. Slip on shoes was a great idea-makes stepping on safari jeep seats very easy. Binoculars were helpful. Everyone in our tour got along and shared pictures. I have an iPhone 15 Pro max and almost didn't need my big camera- except for very far shots. Happy trip everyone. I am attaching some pictures


  • Great crisp and clear. Thanks for sharing.

  • Thank you for sharing the photos! We leave in a couple of weeks for this safari and I just have a couple of questions if you don't mind. Is a dark olive green too dark of a green? Also, do the hotels have hair dryers? And do people dress up for dinner at all? Thank you in advance!

  • Hello Frank- anything dark is not good for Serengeti but will work for other part of the tour. 3 of the hotels have hair dryers and hair conditioners. You don't have to worry about dressing up. You will be covered with dust and hardly have time to change for dinner- most of the time you go straight to dinner! We brought couple of casual clothes but most people didn't. This tour is all about meeting all the animals- not food or looking good- LOL

  • edited September 2024

    Perhaps the message above has a typo. There are a total of seven hotels (camps) on this trip and they all have hair dryers. Sometimes you may need a search party to find them, but they all have hair dryers. On our four K&T trips we normally changed into tomorrow’s safari clothes before dinner. I don’t remember bringing my backpack to dinner, but I always had it with me at breakfast.

  • Thank you Aida_Miller and Sealord! This is our first safari so we aren't really sure what to expect. We were in Egypt 2 years ago so we're trying to make sure some of those clothes will work for this trip. That is a great tip to change into tomorrow's safari clothes before dinner, thanks Sealord! Feel free to let us know of any other tips for this trip that would be good for first timers to know (by the way I'm Amy, Frank's wife, lol!) We are super excited for the trip!

  • OK. The biggest tip. Take two sets of Safari clothes with you in your carry-on aboard the aircraft. At least a couple people on each of our trips arrived without luggage. We always carried everything we ‘needed’ aboard the aircraft. We only put things we did not need in the checked luggage

  • What type of slip on shoes would work best for the jeep?

  • Agree with SeaLord, I think one in seven bags don’t make it.
    You don’t necessarily need slip on shoes for the jeep, as generally, once you get on the jeep, you keep them off until you get back to camp. So as long as you can take them off and get them back on ok, you are fine. These days, I always take the same old shoes, sturdy slip on leather suede Merrill type ones. I scrub and wash them when I get home and put them away for next time.

  • Skechers slip on worked for us. We brought 2 pairs and left the first pair (really dirty) in the last hotel in Nairobi.

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