
Going on Vienna to Nuremburg Savor Christmas Markets Cruise leaving early December....my agent indicated I should be able to sign up for excursions today -but I see nothing. I'm thinking she got the timing wrong. Is it usually 90 days our or 60 days out? Does Tauck send something out or you are to just know & go online? Do you access through the Account page?

No FAQ's on these questions. Appreciate your insights & experience (our first Tauck cruise).


  • Once you have made your final payment, I’m sure you should be able to make choices on your account webpage.
    Whereas, in the past, people have said you can make last minute changes, the tour I’m on right now where there are choices , the tour director told us all that changes could be made only if there was room to do so as all excursions were already planned for the numbers they were provided with.

  • Mblang - You can view the day-to-day itinerary on Tauck's website. There are no excursion choices to make for this tour. Your agent was mistaken.

  • I did this tour last year and there are options, but you choose on the ship, not before the trip begins. I just checked and I think there were 2 days that you had to make a choice on and I don't believe it was a big deal if you decided to change after you submitted your choice. I suggest taking a pic with your phone because some people forget what they opted for. I know others who have taken this trip have a better memory than I do that I am sure will post to verify. Enjoy! It's a great trip!

  • Mblang, choosing excursions before the tour is actually pretty rare on Tauck tours and even when you do you aren't locked into them. They just want to get an estimate of interest levels. Once the tour starts, the TD(s) will have you reconfirm them and give you a chance to ask questions. Unlike other cruise lines, all excursions are included in your tour price so you don't need to worry about paying or limited availability.

    If your tour has excursions to chosen beforehand, yes they will send you an email and you can go into your acct on their website and do it there.

    This was my first Christmas river cruise and it was a blast. The ship will be decorated to the hilt, there will be fun activities and seasonal food/drink. Very casual river cruise - stay warm and festive.

  • We did this a trip a couple years ago - Tauck will offer you options on the ship - seems there were not options at all stops, but definitely in Nuremberg and Salzburg/Linz.

    This is one of our fav trips - we've done it a few times and have it booked again in 2025 with 12 of our friends.

  • I think the flexibility to change your mind about choices depends on the tour you take, on our small ship cruise right now, tonight, it was stressed that we could not change choices for our excursions tomorrow. We were told this throughout the tour. We have gotten paperwork with our choice the day before and the time our tour departs.

  • Thanks all - this is very helpful.

  • Hey one more question re: this cruise.....

    Is there a music excursion....or part of the Tauck plans in Vienna? Any examples of what that has been in the past?

  • If there are additional things you want to see or do that aren't on the daily schedule, the TD will help you make arrangements. For instance one family attended an orchestra event and the TD made transportation arrangements for them. Our family visited an extra museum and they helped us get to the train that stopped very close to it. Then gave us directions to meet back with the group for the luncheon in Vienna that included the children's choir. Hope this helps.

  • Mblang ---
    No - no real music excursion. We've done this trip a few times & usually go to Vienna a few days early and see a concert at a Cathedral or the Opera House. There is a lunch in Vienna with a family singing, but to us, it wasn't so great. We have actually skipped it on occasion and done our own thing in Vienna as we found the lunch and family singing group not that good (but that's just us).

    Tauck will bring in some sort of music after dinner in the lounge on the boat and usually that is very good and enJOYable.

    In Nuremberg, we always extend at the end and there are always very good concerts, choirs, etc in front of the cathedral where the main market is.

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