Extra Day in Bern - October trip

We will be arriving a day early for the tour which begins on October 14. Any suggestions for things to do in Bern? Thanks.


  • We are on this tour now. When you check into the hotel, there will be a packet of info from the TDs with suggestions for sightseeing and restaurants (including directions). The Parliament Building, Historical Museum/Einstein Museum, the Clock Tower, Munster (Minister Church) and shopping are all within waking distance of the hotel. They also recommended Gurten Park on Gurten Mountain. We did not do that due to rainy weather, but there are supposed to be great views of Bern on a clear day.

  • Thanks so much!

  • Bern is a great, walkable city. As cvc indicated, there are so many things to do just steps away from the hotel. On the other side of the Clock Tower is a pedestrian-free area that is great for strolling.

    We were delighted to stumble upon a beauty contest of some of the cows that were brought down from the mountain. They were dressed in their finery! This yearly event is taken very seriously by the locals and was held right by the Parliament area with many dignitaries in attendance. They also had a few pop-up concession stands—Swiss cheese, of course. You might see a procession of the cows being led to lower elevations as you take the train up to Jungfraujoch.


  • Head to the Rosegarden for dinner and the sunset. Of course check out the Bern bears. If you \are looking for a day trip and not included on your tour, try a train trip to Lucerne, Vivey, Guyeres, or even Interlaken/Murren.

  • I'd forgotten about this photo I took on our Switzerland tour. The website tells all about this suite you can rent next to the bears. For those who want something different.

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