Internal flights during POI

A few questions
1.Are the internal flights are commercial flights or chartered flights.
2. Since we will travel with duffles only do they get checked or used as carry on?
3. Lastly are there liquid requirements on these flights.

Thank you.


  • I’m on this tour right now. Our flights so far are commercial. The duffle is not a carry on. Make sure ALL electronics are removed and carried you. No batteries, chargers,, curling irons, electric toothbrush. They will be confiscated.

  • edited 5:06AM

    I’m on the tour right now, just arrived Varanasi. They won’t confiscate your stuff but you’ll take more time to get through security.
    Anything with wires gets extra scrutiny.

  • edited 5:07AM

    Flights are commercial, standard A320 cattle car. Tauck got most of us aisles across, which was nice.
    Duffles are checked.

  • Varanasi is just fascinating!

  • Varanasi was incredible. One of the most memorable experiences that I’ve had. Walking through town, the cremations, Ghats and Aarti are extraordinary.

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