Restaurant Recommendations for Nuremberg

We will be in Nuremberg for a couple of nights prior to our next trip and looking for some dinner spots. Looking forward to your ideas/recommendations


  • There are many establishments in the Old Town area, especially those focusing on traditional regional items. We enjoy the Wirtshaus Hütt'n, especially the bratwurst sausages and schnitzel. This is a very rustic, casual restaurant. We have never been disappointed there.

    If you do stroll the area, look for the red and white striped tents where you will find excellent sausage sandwiches. The warm pretzels are great, too.

  • Since you haven't gotten many suggestions I thought I'd provide this. 😂 Perhaps this will get more suggestions like you were hoping for.

  • If you are looking for a casual German restaurant I would recommend the Bratwursthäusle bei St. Sebald. It is located just off of the Hauptmarkt (Market Square). Go to the corner of the market with the Schöner Brunnen (the gold fountain) and look up the street about a block. The restaurant has two big trees out front with nice outdoor seating. Not fancy, but decent German food. You can also stroll the market area if it is open.

  • We always make one stop at a McDonald's on every tour (every country?). The worst, by far, was in Munich! :p

  • The ice cream at McDonald’s in London tastes much different than in the states. 😀 The best McDonald’s burger I had was in New Zealand. It was called a Kiwi burger. It had a beet and a fried egg on it.

  • Buzz48's suggestion is another great place for sausages, hence the restaurant's name. Unless changed the Hauptmarkt is open every day but Sunday. I believe the holiday markets are held in the Square.

  • Another option if you are looking for a traditional German restaurant/brew pub would be Bratwurst Roeslein. It's right off the Hauptmarkt and has good schnitzel and beer.

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