Weight of Carry-on Bags for In-Country Flights

Tauck says that the carry-on bags for in-country India flights are limited to 15 pounds. For those who have done this tour, do the airlines enforce that?

I have a small suitcase that meets the size requirements but empty it weighs a good part of that 15 pounds (and it's lightweight). That doesn't leave me much weight to pack things.


  • Might be better to find a much lighter suitcase. That’s heavy. My big suitcase weighs half that.

  • edited October 12

    I didn't say that my suitcase weighed 15 pounds. I said that the suitcase took a sizeable percentage of the 15 pounds, leaving me with a limited amount of weight to use for the things I want to carry on.

    I doubt if I could find a suitcase that weighed less - it's a lightweight suitcase.

    What I need to know is if the airlines enforce the 15 pound limit. What if I showed up with a 20 pound carry-on? Would they deny me boarding? What is the experience of others who took this tour?

  • It’s years since we took the tour. I think they did a combined weight of everyone’s back then. But if everyone had an overweight bag, I don’t know how that would work.

  • Not about the weight, but I recall on this tour they made you take everything remotely related to electrical out of your carry-on bag for inspection (this was back in 2017 - could be different now).

    In addition to cell phones and iPads, things like camera equipment, chargers, cables, electric razors, electric toothbrushes, etc. all had to be unloaded for inspection. People started packing these items in a separate bag of some sort so that it would be easier and not take so long at the inspection point.

  • Thanks for the suggstion, Sam.

  • edited October 13

    Thanks for that link, British. They charge 600 Rupees ($7.13) for each kg over the allowed 7kg (15.4 pounds) for carry-on in economy - which Tauck tickets are. They allow 10kg in first. So if I'm over weight I can still take my carry-on. I just have to pay the extra charge.

    There are six in country flights so if I'm 2kg (4.4 pounds) over on each flight (for example) it will cost me about $85, which I can afford.

  • After many trips I’ve gotten my carryon down to a backpack that weighs 2 and a half pounds. Gives me flexibility with weight limits

  • A backpack will not work for my wife, and I'm not fond of them. My suitcase weighs just over 6 pounds so I have some room to put stuff.

    After having my luggage lost for six days (2022 Tauck Morocco trip) I now travel with sufficient clothes, medicine and other things in my carry-on that I might need if my luggage is lost again. And, of course, my wife wants to also have her cosmetics and other things she uses before leaving the hotel.

    Regarding airlines and lost baggage, I go by “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

  • I guess this is why Indian airports are so strict


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