Question regarding flight between Buenos Aires and Ushuaia

Hi all,
We start our Tauck Antarctica trip February 1st. We are VERY excited and making sure we have all of the goodies we need without overpacking. About the only concern I have as a 6’6” tall guy is about the flight between Buenos Aires and Ushuaia. Did any of you tall folks find the leg space to be adequate or cramped? Can you select a seat at all?
Many thanks!


  • edited December 2024

    We are flying that way in a couple of weeks, but not with Tauck. If you don’t get an answer from anyone, I’ll report my experience. Maybe when the tour director sees your height, they may be able to see if they can arrange any seats that might have a bit more space. But generally on tours, you get what you get. I believe it is about a two and a half hour flight.

  • edited December 2024

    We did Antarctica with a different comany and they flew us from Santiago to Puerto Williams. It was a cattle car flight and I was stuck in a middle seat.

    Like British said, see if the TD will take pity on you and put you in the first row or exit seats.

    Oh, and don't forget that you probably have to do the return flight at the end of the cruise.

  • noodle67 - I'm also 6'6" tall. I've never been able to pick a seat on any intra-tour flight. The best case is if the TD gets you an aisle seat.

    The worst tour flight, from a leg room perspective was on the Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand tour. On the flight from Vietnam to Cambodia the leg room was non-existent. I got an aisle seat, but had to sit sideways with my legs in the aisle. Fortunately most intra-tour flights are relatively short.

    Some times, if the flight isn't completely full, I'm able to move to an empty row in the rear of the plane.

  • I went back and checked my notes - the flight from Santiago to Puerto Williams was a bit over 3 hours. The Tauck flight might be less.

  • I took this tour last January. The flights to and from Ushuaia were on an Aerolineas Argentinas Boeing 737-800 chartered by Ponant. The seats were typical coach seats. This site says the seat pitch was 31" which fits with what I remember. There is no seat selection, you are assigned a seat.

  • We did this trip two years ago. The guests who had purchased the premium suites on the ship got the first class seats on the airplane. Seems fair to me. We were in coach seats but they were not too uncomfortable. The food on the airplane was not edible. We did this trip during the pandemic, so we were all just really happy to be on the airplane. We all passed our pre-departure covid test, but around ten came down with covid during the trip, including the cruise director and one of our TD’s who I had close friendly contact with, but I did not get it. The airplane had a small firsst class section, so I’m not sure all the ‘suite’ guests got a first class seat.

  • Thanks all for your info and input. We are in a regular cabin on the ship so it looks as though I’ll need to ask the TD. The Tauck TD came through famously with the same issue when we did a South Africa tour, but that was a small group trip. From what we hear of the tour and have experienced with Tauck, it will still be a fantastically grand trip 😁!!

  • The French guests sometimes ‘dressed’ in the evening, we did not. We pretty much lived in our explorer clothes, adding layers as necessary. You need some warm weather clothes for BA. It was definitely one of our favorite trips.

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