Taking a 14 year old girl to Paris. Some fun activities?
in France
Early June need some fun things to do with a teen in Paris.
See my response in your thread about the some question but for London instead of Paris.
My eleven year old grandson is going to Paris for a week with his parents at Spring break. His top choices are the Louvre, the Catacombs and the Eifel Tower. He found Duolingo and is practicing French with it since he isn’t learning French at school yet.
I think a fourteen year old will want to go shopping. The main thing is to ban the social media while away. On a trip with Tauck with our grandchildren this year, they never asked about phones at all.
For fun, I just googled things to see with a teenager in Paris and the first was this one
I think my almost eleven year old granddaughter would love the perfume museum too!
…if I was a 14 year old girl again (back in 1967) , I may dream about a personal shopping experience, getting a chic hair-do, a baking class, a museum experience for teenagers.
Paris is magic, the most wonderful city in the world. Paris has many faces and what you see, and experience, when you're young (and on a tight budget) is different from what you'll see when you're older. But with the adults tagging along, she may see the older face
There are so many things to do and experience that you can't go wrong. But take Sam's suggestion and get your teen involved in developing an itinerary. If they can speak a bit of French it will help a lot. Many Parisians speak pretty good English and the young people often want to practice their English so that will help.
I wish I had been able to go to Paris as a teen. I fell in love with her when I was older.