Tour Director tip

New to Tauk, going on VCT Feb. 5. Will we have 3 tour directors (one per country) or 1 for the entire time? I assume they prefer $'s for tip?


  • One TD. Tip in $. Enjoy!

  • If you have any local currency left at the end of the trip, use it as part of the tip.
    I did VCT last year and did not convert to any of the local currencies.

  • BKMD did you use credit cards for purchases? Don't plan on lots of purchases or spending lots

  • edited January 3

    I used either CCs or USDs. In the Saigon market a few blocks from the hotel, I bought some knockoff polo type shirts and used USD. They didn't even give a price/negotiate in local currency. BTW, if you do go there, bargian hard. I bought 4 shirts that were intitially quoted at $150 and I paid $25 for them :)
    (edited for typo)

  • BKMD - … and I paid $25 for them.

    So they made $20 off of you. 😂

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