Essence of Japan - Samurai Swords

Can anyone comment on opportunities to purchase ornamental samurai swords during this trip? Information about shipping back to the United States if so?

Thank you.


  • We took this great trip last fall. I am sure that the tour director and local guide will be able to offer some options. The most obvious opportunity is on Day 6 at the Sanshu Hamono Museum, where we had a very interesting sword making demonstration. If you google them, you will see that there is a shop. I suspect they are quite pricey - I did not focus on the swords when visiting the store.

  • Believe it or not, there are numerous genuine Samurai swords you can buy on Amazon, starting at around $79 for one and not much more for sets on a stand. It would probably cost you more to mail one from Japan than buy one from Amazon with free shipping. They look really nice. We love all things Japanese but don’t have any swords….pretty much everything else from antique pottery head rests to antique pottery bento box and a ceremonial wedding kimono 😂😂😂Maybe we should get some swords!

  • edited January 5

    Let me comment about British's comment about genuine Samurai swords.

    The real Samurai swords (katana), ones that were carried and used by a true Samurai, or even lesser ones carried by an officer in WWII, are not common or cheap. Japan is attempting to repatriate the real Samurai swords that were taken by allied soldiers during and at the end of WWII. Whenever one comes up for auction, they will always attempt to purchase it.

    If you could find a real one, it would be VERY expensive.

    Any sword that sells for $79 is not going to be much of a sword (incidently, they are made in China). It may look similar to a real Samurai sword and if that’s all you want, that’s a good place to get one.

    If you had a real Samurai sword, I would encourage you to repatriate it to Japan. It’s part of their heritage.


    There are some artisans in Japan who are making katana swords using the traditional techniques. You can find some articles about how they are made, and possibly some videos. Those swords, even though they have no historical value, are thousands of dollars. I found a site that sells katana made by artisans. They say a good one will cost between $12,000 to $25,000 and up - You can find some katana, not made using traditional techniques, for significantly less money.

    If you look into what has to be done to make a good katana using traditional techniques you will understand why they are so expensive. For example, the metal for the blade is folded and hammered many, many times, while red hot. I forget how many. That leaves a distinctive pattern in the blade.

  • Yes, I assumed replicas were meant. My antiques I mentioned are genuine, I’ve had them for about 40 years now.

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