Electrical outlets in Camp Kalahari tents? YES.

Despite what you may read on the B,Z, SA tour page or (possibly) in your travel documents to come, there IS power to the tents at Camp Kalahari these days. The bedside lamps are plugged in, the fans work great, and an outlet for charging your devices is also available.

To those of you booked on this tour this year... you are in for a treat. After going on this trip last September, I expect this will be my favorite tour for quite some time.


  • We were at this camp in August. Yes, there are electrical outlets and a fan. I did bring along a very lightweight solar lamp which I used every night at this camp. This is where you’ll see the adorable Meerkats. My opinion is that this camp is a true tent experience. This is also where we saw a leopard having her dinner. By the way, my son-in-law wore a headlamp (the kind you wear around the head). He discovered the leopard high in a tree on a night drive when we were all about to give up.

  • I agree with HooHeel that this camp is terrific and the entire tour absolutely amazing. We gave the Camp Kalihari kitchen staff a standing ovation because the food was so delicious. Tauck follows this camp with Capetown’s One and Only; the contrast could not be more marked. Personally, I prefer the former. At the One and Only, versus the Cape Grace, I felt like I could be in any city in the world. Still, this trip is in my top three.

  • HooHeel: Is that a Tauck duffel in the picture?

  • edited March 18

    The duffel looks huge for a Tauck one!
    Is that a single room tent? It’s years since we went on the tour and it looks different. We only had a light at the time.
    I washed some underwear and it was so hot it dried in minutes.

  • I was on this tour in August. It is a 30” duffle and it is meant for the entire trip. In other words, your travel belongings are packed in this duffle from your home. If I remember correctly, people did not take any hard sided carry-ons because of the many internal plane flights. There isn’t anywhere to put them and there is a weight restriction for the personal piece of luggage.
    It was fabulous trip.

    By the way, I just finished watching The Americas (NBC), hosted by Tom Hanks. Breathtaking photography.

  • We have watched two so far. I love Tom Hanks but he’s not a patch on David Attenborough

  • The photography is outstanding but I'm surprised that Hanks sometimes sound like he's bored LOL

  • @Sealord , yep. That is the Tauck duffle these days. It was plenty big for me and has wheels on the bottom. The one negative is that it won’t stand up on its own, so it was not as easy to manage as a typical rolling suitcase. It was the only bag we were allowed to bring on the little planes, in addition to a backpack. No shuffling between your regular bag and the duffle.

    And @British yes, I was solo traveling that trip so the room was set up just for me. Oh, but there was a second bed to the left. It’s just not visible in that particular picture. You are only seeing about half of the space.

  • Thanks, it looks very different from when we were there, they must have upgraded the furniture.

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