Luggage size

Tauck has advised that luggage size must be under 54 inches and carryon under 10 inches in circumference on the Essence of South America trip. This would require buying new luggage! Does anyone know if these limits are strictly enforced?

Thanks, Judy G


  • If Tauck are so specific, there must be a reason or why bother. You are probably taking internal flights on small planes or something like that, or you are small buses for special sight seeing. Call and ask or look at the Before you go section
  • jgourdji wrote:
    Tauck has advised that luggage size must be under 54 inches and carryon under 10 inches in circumference on the Essence of South America trip. This would require buying new luggage! Does anyone know if these limits are strictly enforced?

    Thanks, Judy G

    I suggest you review American Airline website for USA to SA.....Does anyone know names other airlines being used intra-country

    The Coach
  • Hi jgoudrji,

    My understanding is that our luggage restrictions are due to space and weight restrictions imposed by the airlines that run the on-tour flights, which are frequently done on small planes. The intra-country airlines used on this trip in 2014 are curerntly Sky Airlines, Aerolineas Argentina, and either Gol Transportes Aéreos or TAM Linhas Aéreas.

  • Sorry for the error, but carryons must be less than 42 inches and 10 pounds.

  • We just returned from our trip of ES on Feb 18th. Tauck is right about luggage restriction as it is imposed by internal airline carrier within south america. We had great time you will have lots of fun.

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