Are there any insect problems in Sept-Oct timeframe?

We have traveled extensively but this is our first trip to Central and South Africa. Because of the long flight we booked Kenya, Tanzania followed by South Africa for our Tauck trips in September-October. What I know of the area is probably from old Tarzan movies. I'm sure it will be a lot nicer than I imagine it. I'm picturing mosquito netting everywhere and maybe even face netting in the wild. I have also read about mosquito and tick repellent clothing. Is any of this necessary or is a bottle of DEET just fine. By the way I the face netting was necessary in the Outback of Australia.


  • We went to Botswana, South Africa and Zambia with TAUCK late august last year. Not a bug...used deet travel packs but really no big deal. Did not even take the Malaria shots even thought everyone highly recommends it. We had been in Brazil and Argentina year before and had no problem there either. So no worries about bugs but a few spiders ( which eat the bugs)
    Enjoy....Trip of a lifetime! jo
  • We had no problem with insects on the Kenya/Tanzania trip in mid-October, although, we did bring repellent with us and used it at times. They do have mosquito netting around the beds in most of the places, and the housekeeping staff does pull them around the beds during turndown service. After we crossed into the Serengeti, we stopped at a rest area for a picnic lunch. Some of us climbed to the top of a hilly area for a sweeping view of the plains, but our viewing was cut short by bees. I must have caught one in the buff I was wearing around my neck, and after I got back in the truck a half hour later, he made himself known and when I brushed him off, he stung me. We experienced nothing like the little flies that bothered us in the Outback in February!
  • GLPAVLO wrote:
    We have traveled extensively but this is our first trip to Central and South Africa. Because of the long flight we booked Kenya, Tanzania followed by South Africa for our Tauck trips in September-October. What I know of the area is probably from old Tarzan movies. I'm sure it will be a lot nicer than I imagine it. I'm picturing mosquito netting everywhere and maybe even face netting in the wild. I have also read about mosquito and tick repellent clothing. Is any of this necessary or is a bottle of DEET just fine. By the way I the face netting was necessary in the Outback of Australia.

    Hello GLPAVLO. I think you need to do a lot of reading before your trip to Africa. Forget Tarzan movies, you will not see any jungle on either trip. I have been on both trips but not at this time of year. Open grassland in K and T for the most part and brush type and grass vegetation in S Africa. In fact, I found the two places very different. In k and T you see many many animals and in S Africa you spend a lot more time just searching to find one animal because there is more brush. And of course in South Africa you will be spending time in very modern and wealthy cities as well as Soweto.
    The insect life will also depend on whether it is a rainy time of year, I just looked at information and you will hit possibly part of the rainy season in one of the countries. Unlike one of the other people who has commented, I would never not take meds for Malaria, it's a serious life threatening disease and many Americans return from overseas with it every year. Also note there is no 'shot' for Malaria, you take meds, the type depending on the country you are visiting. You need to use Deet on exposed skin especially in the evening but also note that the mosquitoes that can give you Dengue fever bite during the day. Don't go too crazy on the Deet, the stronger type can make you feel quite queezy. The thought of seeing you with netting on your face is very funny. I suggest you take a buff to cover your face if it is dusty or there are tsetse flies bothering you. I found a buff very handy to help me keep warm on the very cold morning safaris in South Africa, I think that was in August, hats gloves and blankets.
    I love Africa and will be going on the Tanzania trip later in the year, I can't wait!
  • I have been on both of these trips at the same time of the year that you are going and never had a problem with bugs. In fact, I hardly ever used the Deet I brought along and on the first trip I brought way too much and ended up leaving it at one of our stops. Both of these trips are excellent - you will have a wonderful time!
  • British - Are you doing the Serengeti to Zanzibar trip in Tanzania? I, too, am thinking about that one. I really wish Tauck had a trip to just Kenya - loved the Masai Mara. I've gotten spoiled by traveling with Tauck but pretty soon I'm going to run out of African trips with them.
  • Yes doing the Tanzania Zanzibar trip
  • edited March 2014
    Pay heed to British's comment on malaria!!! You do not want to come down with it, especially since there are preventive Rx for it. I had malaria in 1969 and it was no picnic. I didn't know if it was winter or summer--I was shivering and sweating at the same time with temps of 104-105. The treatment included multiple IVs, Rx's, and ice and alcohol baths. I went from 175 pounds to 145 pounds in less than 10 days. Luckily, I only had one relapse in 1970 and it was minor. I will be taking my Rx for malaria. The type and duration will be discussed with an international travel physician. I am a firm believer in free will, so do what you want--just make sure you do some worthwhile research on the subject. My experience is not based on a scientific sample, just an anecdotal case study. I'd hate to see your most memorable experience from a great trip be malaria and the treatment.
  • I guess I will put in my two cents about the malaria meds (not shots...had not heard of that). We have Kaiser as an HMO, and they have a fabulous travel clinic. Let them know where you are going (for this trip, they wanted to know a day by day itinerary) and about six weeks out, they send a message about necessary meds and vaccinations. On this trip we dutifully took the malaria meds (began before and ended after the trip). I was a bit nervous about the meds as I had heard horror stories about hallucinogenic dreams, and, frankly, my dreams are creative enough without adding the "Wow" factor! However, I had absolutely no problems and no weird dreams. I was glad to be proactive and we even took the Yellow Fever vaccinations, even though it was optional for our age. We had no problems. In fact, we had much sorer arms with the vaccinations for Southeast Asia than the ones for Africa (perhaps we would have needed them as well had we not gotten them earlier...)
    I don't want to be confrontational, but just because you lucked out on one trip and stayed healthy, doesn't mean you will be as fortunate the next time out! On our 10th Tauck trip, to Southeast Asia (never been ill on a trip), I came down with something that put me flat out for 24 hours, and the effects lingered on for three days! I felt lucky that it was a free day in Saigon, and I did not have to travel. I couldn't have done it! I rallied enough to get on a plane the next day, but it was tough. My point is that it is always best to be proactive and take medications if they are suggested as you never know when you could become ill.

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