Sailing on LePonant --Nice to Malta
Would really like to take this wonderful trip but I am concerned about seasickness. Would someone who has taken the trip please comment? I realize it depends on the weather, etc. but just general impression of the sailing part would be most appreciated.
Thank you!
Thank you!
You're quite right, it does depend upon the weather, but some times of year are better than others. In general, the consensus I'm seeing online is that the summer months are better for calmer seas than the late fall/winter months, which at times can get somewhat rough. However, weather does vary, and the summers could be quite rough, or the winter could even be smooth as glass if the weather behaves.
Don't be afraid to pack or bring anti-nausea medication, like Dramamine. Effectiveness does vary from person to person, and you should always check with your doctor before starting a new medication, particularly if you're already on something, in case of drug interactions. Outside of that, eating right, getting fresh air, and staring at the horizon/looking out the window so you'll have visual motion to go along with the physical motion of the ship should all help avoid seasickness.
I hope this helps!
I often sailed the Med on a ship as big as an aircraft carrier (in fact it was an aircraft carrier
I would travel by ship again, for the right destinations, but never to just cruise. And I'd only do it if I could get those patches!
Caveat: Everyone is different. Seek your own medical advice. I did, but I could have spread those b….y pills on toast for all the good they did. Vegemite made me feel a little better, but that's comfort food for you. I think you just have to prepare for plague, pray you never see so much as a miniature rodent type creature and that you never have to take any of the stuff you took with you in the first place. Try to book a cabin amidships ... not on a lower deck or the top one, either. Oh, and cross you fingers. Then prepare for a wonderful experience.
Theses bands are available at all pharmacies and have gotten much more sophisticated in design, but placed in the correct position on the wrists work well for a lot of people. I think Magellans travel catalogue has them too.
Cruises are so popular that unless you know you have a sea sickness problem from past experiences, I would go on the trip with the pills and potions and the other suggestions posted by others and hope for the best, if lots of people get sick, I just don't think it would be such a booming business.
When you sail you never know. Having said that, sailing on those deep blue waters of the Mediterranean was my favorite part of the trip. Plus swimming in the buoyant waters was refreshing.
It's hard to give advise because everyone reacts differently to motion and the medicines sold to deal with it. You also take zodiac-type of launches to disembark in most destinations so determine whether you can handle that. One day it was choppy (not Malta) and Tauck passed out ponchos so we didn't get wet from the spray on the ride back to the sailboat. To me, it was fun as I am a huge fan of the water rides at amusement parks. Only you can decide whether your constitution is up to the task. I enjoyed the trip.
The ship is generally under motor the entire trip, where as sailing would not get you from port to port in a timely fashion. The sails went up leaving a port and then we would be under power the entire cruise..
The trip was wonderful, the crew was great we had wonderful weather, high 70's low 80's and sunny the entire trip. The sea was mostly calm but do plan for the occasional swells.
I would recommend it and would do it again in a heart beat. Just be prepared with all motion sickness items, eg.. Scope patches, dramamine, and a motion sickness bracelet. Do consider the trip and have a great time. All the Islands were very interesting and we had a wonderful vacation.