Tauck Agent Rewards for Australians.
I just received an email from the Vice-President of Tauck Global Sales introducing what appeared on the surface to be a very generous rewards scheme for Australians. If I recommend someone and they buy and travel on a Tauck holiday then I get good reward points which are converted to Dollars against my next Tauck adventure. It looks to be a great scheme but when you get to the bottom line it says "Bookings must be made through our Australian representative Travel the World (there Jan I said it!) to qualify for points."
I'll continue to recommend Tauck to every one I talk to about holidays but hell will freeze over before I recommend those charlatans in Sydney. I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy. Sorry Global Sales but I'm sure that in time you'll come to realise that the mob in Sydney do you more harm than good.
I'll continue to recommend Tauck to every one I talk to about holidays but hell will freeze over before I recommend those charlatans in Sydney. I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy. Sorry Global Sales but I'm sure that in time you'll come to realise that the mob in Sydney do you more harm than good.
Veeerry interesting, as that bespectackled guy on Laugh In used to say. No email for me. Perhaps the International team is already aware of my views on that lot.
And here was me, just this last Friday, recommending a Tauck river cruise to a couple of friends. In the interest of general fairness, I suggested they compare reviews of some of the other companies that advertise on Australian TV. I did warn them that it is very difficult to compare products because you can't compare apples and oranges, or mobile phone plans! The companies advertising on TV are not totally upfront about the base cost, various inclusions and extra costs. They are masters at drip pricing and that's even before you get to the various single supplements! But in the end, the best choice of travel product they could make was to take in the experiences of people they knew.
I advised them to start looking at the various companies' web sites first. When they decided, if they decided on Tauck, whatever else they needed to book, e.g. airfares, to book their Tauck trip directly with Tauck, via email or free phone. And I told them the most important reason why not to make a booking that will go via the books of whom you speak. (And that's any booking made through an Australian travel agent. What a nice little earner, Arfur.) I'm sure I will also get to some of the many other reasons why it is so important to maintain control of your reservation. After all, no sane person would knowingly take off their glasses and sensible shoes and wander barefoot through a field of buzzing bees. The stinging kind. You might not get stung but the chances are real and besides, you can still hear the ones who went before you yelling with pain. No sane person just hands over a bucket of money and tells a stranger to help themselves to many tens of thousands of dollars! That's philanthropy and there's a place for it. We're talking about paying for a holiday.
An enticement by another name is just bait. Why would I put my recommendations and reputation on the line? Why would I want to bait a hook to reel in a friend when I know there are big, nasty bitey things in the water? I doubt being taken by a big fish with rows of sharp teeth is any fun at all. And knowing it's happening and not being able to stop it is worse. And what for? Points? So I could do it again? Why on earth would anyone think I'd choose to do that twice! Get a grip, people!
Of course, that's just the problem. I don't think this is the way to solve it, but what would I know. I'm just a repeat customer. Tauck's product is too good to risk that kind of tarnish. Surely there's a better way?
The intricacies of general agent agreements go over my head. All too complicated for me. I just want to be able to buy the best, fit for purpose product I can afford and know that I am getting great service, straight up … free from flimflam of any kind. I am prepared to pay good money for that. It's quite simple really.
Thanks for the opportunity to vent, Rod. I feel better now.
Oh, nurse? Is my medication ready?
Nice reply. I didn't want to start a riot and then go home to watch it on TV but I thought my email needed an answer.
I realise it's improper to ask a lady for her email but if you'd like a copy of the email sent to me I'll be happy to pass it on. My email address is ... rodmky@optusnet.com.au.
Your experiences with the agents in Australia seem bad. I would love to know what percentages of folks use agents in the US for Tauck because so many questions here are about things like weather that is all there on the website if you look. Whenever booking methods come up in conversations on tours, it is always those people who booked with agents who have missed out on bits of important information.
I've been tempted, but have rarely used one. I don't really understand the need to use a TA, especially these days and for a Tauck tour, unless you have some really complex additional arrangements to make. I know many TA's are experienced, quick and efficient making bookings and the booking services they subscribe to can occasionally get a better airfare, but everything I have read says that it is rare. Really, as far as a Tauck trip itself is concerned, what can a TA do that Tauck can't or doesn't do. Before/After side trips- just do some research and contact reputable local tour company, the hotel concierge, or an outfit like Viator. I let Tauck book my flights last year, but had a limited choice of departure cities, only earned partial FF miles, and later found a cheaper fare directly from the airline. This year (we leave in two weeks, yippee!) I booked my flights directly with the airlines and got them cheaper, again (and cheaper than from outfits like Travelocity, etc.) for the same routing- shortest duration, minimal layovers, and, this time, Business Class
I guess it comes down to convenience. If a difference of $100, $200 or possible a lot more doesn't bother you and you don't want to mess with details at all- "TA, make this happen", I guess a TA is the way to go . . . . unless they are incompetent or are Arfur and his cohorts and screw you over.
Arfur and Minder- had to Google them
Hi British,
Since I've been travelling regularly to the States for the past 9 years or so, I have become acutely aware of the horizons of the man on Clapham omnibus. I see no reasons to temper mine to a similar extremity. I don't think the man on the Bourke Street tram would work any better than the original. And given the general unfamiliarity of a large part of the readership with any form of public transport, there's no point in even mentioning the Greyhound bus. The whole point is moot, really. A bit like asking someone what's French for "en suite facilities", isn't it?
PS: You might have to look that one up, too.
As you say, Alan, it is horses for courses. I'd never dream of making my international flight reservations online … unless it's something straightforward like flying across the Tasman and back. I have managed to make FF points redemptions online, but again that was a really simple construction using SQ. They have an excellent site making the process very straightforward. Generally my flight arrangements are more complicated and I'd rather know my trusty TA can fix any bloopers where I couldn't. Depending on where I'm staying, I often make my own hotel reservations. I'm pretty lucky with my loyalty programmes.
The problem we face in Australia is a little different. Because a third party has sticky fingers in the pie (of any Tauck booking made through a TA) things get very complicated. There are multiple cross points throughout the process and all or any can be jeopardised, traumatised, unscrutinised or totally bu**erised. Before paying through the nose (in another currency) for that privilege. If you book direct, you're cooking with gas. Your TA might be absolutely competent, but the issues arise with the third party who actually controls, unbeknownst to you, your booking. If you have ever had the misfortune to actually use the third party as your TA … well, … arh … tea and sympathy might help a tad if you can't manage arsenic and old lace approach.
I enjoyed my first Tauck adventure so much I started saving for our next one the day we arrived back home and thanks to advice from Jan I booked and paid for this next holiday direct with Tauck. I'm sorry my TA misses out on some commissions but she is also missing out on all the hassles she encountered last time.
BTW I like the arsenic without the old lace approach myself.
I have heard comments from TAs … mainly about the cost of Tauck trips & the prevailing demographic, both of which can present barriers to Australian travellers. We are keen and generally experienced travellers. It's highly unlikely that first-time-travelling-overseas Aussies would choose a Tauck tour. Except for some very particular destinations. Tauck is generally a product that experienced and um .. picky Aussies come to a little later on in their travelling careers. It's that horses for course thing again! I don't think it's ever really explained by TAs just what a Tauck tour price covers and part of the reason for that is the uncertainly of the price if the tour is purchased via an Australian TA. It is precariously uncertain what a Tauck trip will cost. Of course you have to factor in the FX changes. We know that, but that's only one thing. You can't factor in the ...vagaries. You might not be aware of it, bar your trip costing a heck of a lot, if you book via a TA. But if you see an actual invoice and take the trouble to do some very basic due diligence I can absolutely see why fewer Aussies choose to go the Tauck route again. I can absolutely see why TAs tell Aussies Tauck is too expensive.
I am fairly sure I have seen a Tauck tour quoted in A$. :-0 Quick! Pass me a rope of garlic!
It's easy to make a case for Tauck's value for money products when the playing field is level. I am just eternally grateful that I discovered I could deal directly with Tauck. My costs in US$ hit my CC account on the appropriate date, 6 weeks prior to departure, the provider uses a listed FX rate (which I can check) and my only issue is to pay the CC bill on time. Clean.
Still it did enable me to once again point out to Australians just how disreputable those charlatans in Sydney truly are.