Classic Italy 10/6/2014

Excited about this trip but will be traveling solo. Any others doing the same? First trip to Italy and cannot wait to meet my fellow travelers. Will arrive a day early and would like to meet some of you also that may be going early as well. If you have traveled this area before and have suggestions for what to bring or wear for the time of year your advice will be appreciated. We ladies tend to over pack. :) 



  • edited June 2014
    Hi Bobbie, this looks like a fantastic itinerary, I've been to most of these places on 2 different Tauck Tours and independently. Just in case you did not notice, there is a section on the web page for the tour that says, Before You Go. If you check there, there is a drop-down section for weather, temps and rainfall. I think one of the times we went was late September, early October, it's a great time of year for not being exhausted from heat. It could rain more, or you could be lucky, but with an umbrella or raincoat, it's preferable to being hot and sticky. My only memory of a lot of rain was our tour of San Giamangiano ( oh dear, however you spell that place?) and with all those amazing towers and narrow streets it was kinda perfect anyway. In the same section there is also a clothing suggestion area but the same thing is repeated in the section, Packing Tips. At least you won't have to decide on whether to take a jacket and tie, that takes up a lot of discussion on this forum! The general consensus for most women's suggestions seem to be nice black pants and tops for evening, they may certainly be warmer for possibly cooler evenings at that time of year. Most people comment that the majority dress very nicely for the welcome dinner and then it goes downhill from there as people get to know each other and get more weary as the trip goes on. In my case, I would be ten times more likely to be wearing full makeup the first night than on the last day of the tour. You may have a tour director who gives suggestions about attire for particular evenings, is it more casual, or dressy, or is there no time to change before dinner that day so wear something good for the whole day. You can always ask them or after a couple of days you can discuss with the other women on the tour. If you get the same art historian as we did in Venice! He is a dream! If I was 40 years younger, that would have been the day I'd have put on my high heels and evening dress!
  • Thank you "British" for your helpful information. You may be seeing this twice as I sent under quick reply, or so I thought but I don't see it. Technology!! Or my lack of technology! I gather I will need a jacket/coat of some kind so I will add that to my list. My plan is to go light weight clothing that can be layered, mostly black and comfortable for day time. Throw in a dress or two that are also travel ready with some comfy shoes and hopefully that will get me through.
  • Sounds like the good sense of a seasoned traveler to me. Enjoy, wish I was going to Italy again soon, you can never go too much and there's plenty of more places there I would love to see!
  • I am on the Classic Italy October 6, 2014 tour and am so looking forward to meeting (or should I say hearing from others) on this trip before we begin. I will be arriving on the 5th and it is my first trip to Italy and my first trip traveling alone. A little nervous so fellow travelers please let me hear from you. Looking forward to seeing a beautiful country and getting to know all of you that will be on this tour.

    I'm not exactly sure how this forum works but it appears to me that it is hard to find your post after a day or so. Therefore, forgive me if I post the same thing several times in order to keep it visible to myself and others traveling on this tour. I also would love to hear from those of you that have been on this tour with any advice of what to take or not to take.

    Thanks so much.

    Ms. Robbie
  • edited June 2014
    Hi Ms Robbie,

    I can give you a couple of tips for finding your post again.

    #Try to remember the name of the thread you have posted under. For you, that will be Classic Italy Forum, sub forum Classic Italy 10/6/2014. (I know … if they started out to make the forum mechanism obtuse, they have succeeded in spades!)

    # If you remember a phrase or word in your post you can search for it under the search tab near the top of the forum page.

    # You can also hit the Watch tab and the system will email you when there's another post on your topic.


  • Thank you very much Jan for the tip. I could likely have my posts stuck in Tanzania! :)

  • edited September 2014
    My wife and I, Doug and Paula, will be on the oct 6 tour. We'll be flying in overnight from michigan arriving the 6th.
    Looking forward to a great trip, our first to Italy.
  • Looking forward to seeing everyone! We arrive a day early and will be strolling Sorrento.

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