Canadian Money/touring in Calgary

We are looking forward to the Best of the Canadian Rockies trip which begins on June 27th.
We are wondering if we should get Canadian money from our bank before we leave or wait until we get to Canada.
We have heard that the rate of exchange is not great at airports or hotels.
On another note...has anyone ever been to the Heritage Park Historical Village? We will be arriving in Calgary two days before the tour begins and will be looking to doing some touring on our own, since the Tauck itinerary does not include sightseeing in Calgary. Heritage Park has gotten good reviews, along with The Calgary Zoo, and the Glenbow Museum, among other places.
We will not have a car, so we are also wondering what the best way would be to get to these locations.
All advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • Hi Sue M,

    Correct, the rate of exchange is not great at airports or hotels; your best bet is to use an atm to get cash directly while you're there. ATMs are widely available, and you should have plenty of opportunities. Credit cards are also widely accepted.

    I hope this helps!

  • Hi Sue,

    Tauck Tim, is correct. Best to get your Canadian dollars from your local bank.

    We visited Heritage Park when we took the Best of Canadian Tour a couple of years ago. I do not recommend it unless you have small children with you, particularly in the summer. It is a collection of old houses and a train ride based on life in the past century, but is really more of an attraction for kids.
    The old downtown area is wonderful. We also enjoyed dinner at the Tower. Excellent food, terrific view and not far from the hotel(a short cab ride).
    There is also an excellent park behind the hotel...and my wife found an interesting mall within walking distance.
    So, lots to do other than Heritage Park.
    Spectacularly beautiful tour with great hotels.
  • Thanks John and Tim for your feedback.
    Are there interesting things to do and see within walking distance of the Westin?
    Any good restaurants that you would recommend within walking distance?
  • edited June 2014
    If you go to the website of the Westin hotel, there is a link to 'Local Area' which gives you a huge list of things to see in the area from museums to golf to shopping, it gives distances from the hotel. If you see something you like the look of, go to the website of that attraction. Or you could call the hotel concierge in advance for some insider ideas on sites and restaurants. Hey, you're staying at a Westin, get those guys working for you! This is a great tour!
  • Actually, the Keg Steakhouse in the Westin was quite nice. We ate there the first night.
    The Sky 360 restaurant in the Calgary Tower was a real treat...good food and spectacular view. It isn't far from the hotel. I would recommend reservations if you do choose to try Sky 360. Ask for a window table. The restaurant rotates while you dine and by the end of dinner you have had a 360 degree panorama of Calgary and the Calgary Stampede arena.

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