Hotels in Amsterdam

Can anyone tell me if it is better to book a hotel for one night post trip near the airport, city center or centraal station? We plan to tour Amsterdam during the day after disembarking and fly out the next morning.


  • City center
  • Why don't you stay in the Tauck hotel for an extra night? That way Tauck will still transport you to the airport and breakfast is also included and all the associated tips. Did you realize you can do that? Maybe not if you booked with a travel agent. All you do is call Tauck and they will give you their contracted price. We have post stayed several times and it has worked well and another advantage is that they will know exactly what is the best time to book the transport for you and they will be handling your bags, not you, until you get to the airport.
  • Thank you, British! That is exactly what I came here to say. Of course, ElaineClaire, what you choose to do is up to you. I hope you have a great time on your trip!

  • That is precisely what we did for our May 2015 cruise. We were able to use the gift of time offer making this a no brained. Tauck will also provide the transfer to the hotel.
  • Thank you for the replies. I would love to stay in Tauck's chosen hotel, except the rooms are slightly over $1000.00 per night and I am paying for two rooms. So I would like to find something more reasonable and wonder if the airport hotels or city center are the best choice.
  • I'm sure Tim will chip here, but I thought the prices you quote for an Amsterdam hotel were bit off base. I just checked the 2014 rates for the Tauck hotel for this trip and this is what is listed:
    2014 Hotel Room Rates Double Single Triple
    January 1 - March 31 $505 $465 $635
    April 1 - June 30 $580 $540 $710
    July 1 - August 31 $505 $465 $635
    September 1 - October 31 $580 $540 $710
    November 1 - December 31 $505 $465 $635 - See more at:
    The rates are US$. I'm sorry the formatting has gone skewiff in the cutting & pasting, but you can still work it out. Why don't you contact Tauck directly for information on your trip? I doubt the rates would be double for 2015.


  • Jan,
    You are very thoughtful to send me that information and I appreciate it. However we, myself and two adult daughters, are going in April 2015. We are using the hotel Tauck has booked in Basel. But Tauck's hotel for Amsterdam was D L'Europe, which would have fit my pocketbook, was completely booked due to an area event. They booked a different one, Intercontinental, and all of the rooms quoted to me by Tauck were over $1000. I would probably take that if all three of us could sleep in one room, but each room is only allowed 2 persons. Exploring the interent for The Intercontinental confirmed that. So that is why I am looking for a room on my own.
    Warm regards.
  • ElaineClaire

    We took back to back Tauck tours of the Tulip Time tour followed by the Warsaw to Prague tour several years ago. Both were fantastic. We had several days between the two. We stayed in the Crowne Plaza City Centre in Amsterdam. Although it may not have had the ambience of the Tauck hotel, it was very nice and was extremely well located, particularly if you like to walk. Amsterdam is an extremely walkable city. Look it up at The rate right now is in the 270 Euro range. That, of course, may vary according to the date.

    A suggestion for that evening would be to dine at an Indonesian Rice Table restaurant followed by an evening canal cruise. Your hotel concierge can make reservations for you at the restaurant. There are numerous ones in Amsterdam. The canal rides are relatively inexpensive and Amsterdam is very beautiful and different at night, even if you've been on a daytime canal cruise.
  • Hi Elaine,

    Here's another thought for you … courtesy of another poster in a different forum. If you have a platinum Amex card, check with Platinum travel. They have all sorts of hotel deals, all over the world. I seem to remember Amsterdam being the city that poster was looking at. If you don't have an amex card … bet my bottom dollar other cards have similar deals. Another thought is to trade some frequent flyer miles for bed nights. I'm sure between us all here we can suggest something better than a grand a night!


  • Thank you to all!

    I have finally worked it out. Using, I was able to obtain a Junior Suite for three adults at the Intercontinental Hotel, breakfast included, for a little over $1000. I am comfortable with this plan as we will have all the services from Tauck.
    Looking forward to the trip!

    Best regards to all,
  • That's excellent, Elaine. And thanks for getting back with the news. Have a great trip.


  • We have several choices for flights out of Amsterdam on the Monday the Basel cruise ends. Is 10:35 from Schiphol too early to make or is the 1:15PM safer. Not sure when you can leave the boat on Monday AM.
  • You can pretty much leave anytime. You are in dock already and they will arrange transport.

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