Sept 3 2014 Classic Italy

Very excited about this trip. My first time going to Europe.and I am going alone!


  • I took this trip solo last year at the same time of year. The weather was great and I had a fantastic time. I suggest getting rick Steve's Italy book. It was very helpful in things to do and places to eat. If you want to go to the forum. You can go for free day of the collosiem tour. Just ask the TD. Buch of us went that afternoon and used the group ticket to go in. I suggest getting lost in Venice. It is an island so you will not go far. I took an early morning walk before crowds, then the rest of the day I explored the rest busy parts and really enjoyed Venice with no crowds.

  • Thanks for all the great info!
  • Thanks for all the great info!
    Hello out there! Anyone else out there on this tour?
  • Getting nervous my trip is getting closer and I have not received my tickets or paper work . Itinerary !? Going to see agent tomarrow. And what to pack? 3 dress 2 skirts 3 pants 10 tops 2 jackets ! Oh my
  • Someone say something! Any one on this tour reading this post ? Say hi
  • You should have received your final travel documents. By this time
  • I am going on the September 14 "small groups" Italy tour and I received my documents from my travel agent several days ago.
  • Hello out there! Anyone else out there on this tour?

    Not alone. My wife and I are first timers also, traveling with my sister and brother in law. Looking forward to it all.
    Traveling from California and Arizona. Don't know what to say other than you are not alone. Clothes? Be comfortable and don't worry about it.
  • Every thing taken care of!so happy everything was worked out! Looking forward to meeting u all!
  • TIPING ......The answer is simple: in almost all cases you do not give a tip to anyone in Italy. This applies to restaurants in particular since that's the most likely venue where tipping might be expected. The only possible exception to the no tipping rule might be at the end of a minibus tour, the reason being that these tours are taken almost exclusively by tourists and the drivers have become accustomed to receiving a tip. I have to add, that taking into account how expensive these tours are, a tip should not be expected and if given should not exceed 5% at the most.
  • No tipping is wrong. They do get a good wage, unlike US, but would like a 10% tip and more if a good waitress or waiter.
  • TIPING ......The answer is simple: in almost all cases you do not give a tip to anyone in Italy. This applies to restaurants in particular since that's the most likely venue where tipping might be expected. The only possible exception to the no tipping rule might be at the end of a minibus tour, the reason being that these tours are taken almost exclusively by tourists and the drivers have become accustomed to receiving a tip. I have to add, that taking into account how expensive these tours are, a tip should not be expected and if given should not exceed 5% at the most.
  • Copied and pasted this Information from Rick Steve's book!

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