colors for clothes on safari

I'm getting ready to pack for my trip leaving on September 17 (unless Ebola cancels it,) and I realized that a lot of my clothes- jacket, sweatshirt, tops are "hot pink" color. Would that be a problem on the safari? I already bought some tan pants/shorts, but I really don't like those colors.


  • No, I don't think it will be a problem, whatever you wear is going to get covered in dirty red dust. Unless certain insects are more attracted to pink as well as black and blue. Some animals such as lions only see in black and white anyway. However, red is a no-no since the animals associate it with Maasai. You really do not need any dressy clothes for this trip, although I cannot vouch for the Four Seasons and th Safari club since Tauck did not use those hotels when I did this tour. But I just returned from Tanzania, Zanzibar and used almost all my clothes, even having laundry done because you get so dirty. The tan, beige and khaki do hide the dirt a little more, that's all. Just avoid white, the dirt may make more permanent stains.
  • We just returned from this fabulous trip. I was surprised that no one besides myself had read the forum. As a result, there were blue, black and every other color of clothes. We were fortunate and never had a problem with insects except the flies in
    the Masai village. I did bring a few tops and one pair of black pants for when we stayed at the Four Seasons and the Fairmount. It was nice to dress up just a bit. Some ladies brought something a bit dressy just for the farewell dinner, which was very unnecessary. It was not an evening to linger as most were anxious to pack and sleep.
  • The Masai always wear bright colors to deter animals from approaching them. Natural colors such as beige, browns greens not only blend better in the African environment but they allow animals to come closer. My sister wore a pink top one day on safari and was bitten many times on her tummy. The insects are attracted to bright colors as well as blue and black.

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