Jewish Tour of Shanghai. Eastbound Tour 18 September.

I have been in touch with Dvir Bar-Gal who runs the tour of Jewish Shanghai (, very highly recommended by everyone who has taken it in the past. We are on the 18 September Eastbound tour and I see that we have a free afternoon on 30 September. Currently Dvir has no bookings for that morning so would be prepared to run an afternoon tour with 8 people. If he gets a booking for the morning, he will need 12 people to run an afternoon tour. The cost is US$65 per person. Would anyone else be interested in joining us?



  • Dear Irene,

    Sorry for the delayed reply - we have had trouble with this site. Yes, we would like to tour the Jewish section of Shanghai if you can get enough people to go.

    Looking forward to the trip and meeting you and our other fellow travelers. We leave NY this Monday morning, so it's getting close. We see that we have a free night in Beijing later in the week, and plan to do the night market for dinner then rather than Wednesday the 17th. Perhaps you and some others would like to join us.

    see you soon!

    Diana and David
  • Hi Dianna,

    Nice to hear from you. At this stage you are the only ones expressing an interest in joining us, but that may because others may not be aware of the forums. We leave on Wednesday, so hopefully someone else may respond. If not, I may mention it to others when we arrive and see if it is not too late to arrange a tour with Dvir, from China. Have a safe trip and we look forward to meeting you next week.

  • I am going on westbound trip starting September 20. I would be very interested in the Jewish tour of Shanghai. Could you send me the contact information for this guide. Since I have been having difficulty with this site, I hope I will be able to find your response.

    Did Dvir's tour last year. Highly recommended
  • During our trip this past June, our local Tauck guide, Fun Fun, did an excellent job touring us in the Jewish ghetto. She was well versed in history and Judaism, and had been to Israel herself. We were impressed that she pointed out a mezuzah on the door, a Chinese language ketubah, and things of that sort. It was easy to arrange and confirm the availability of the local guide with our Tauck tour director (Larry, who if you are lucky enough to get, will be the best you ever had) at the beginning of the tour. The ghetto tour took place during an afternoon at leisure, after the rest of the group was returned to the hotel. Enjoy your travels - this entire trip is excellent.
  • Yep, we met Larry on a tour last year. He really goes out of his way with personal service and wonderful sense of humor. I have some crazy photos of him.
  • WE are interested in the jewish tour of shanghai we are on the sept.12 trip. please advise we are two people
  • We are going on this trip in April. We heard Dvir is excellent (we are Israeli), was it worth it? and also- which day did you work out was best to go on tour? Maybe miss out on the gardens in Shanghai and go then? .. we could do gardens by ourselves..

    I asked tauck and they said there was no Jewish History included on our tour, which is a great shame ..


    any other advice/comments gratefully accepted. Happy Hanukka, Haooy Holidays
  • edited December 2018
    Lindelli wrote:
    We are going on this trip in April. We heard Dvir is excellent (we are Israeli), was it worth it? and also- which day did you work out was best to go on tour? Maybe miss out on the gardens in Shanghai and go then? .. we could do gardens by ourselves..

    I asked tauck and they said there was no Jewish History included on our tour, which is a great shame ..


    any other advice/comments gratefully accepted. Happy Hanukka, Haooy Holidays

    I would start a new thread for this toptic, such as Recommendations for a Jewish tour of Shanghai, since this thread was started four years ago and there is probably no start date of September 18th so it might confuse people. In the past, people have mentioned good feedback on Dvir here. Sometimes Tauck does specific Jewish focused tours like the one that includes Vienna, Budapest, Prague and Krakow. We took ther regular tour, but there would have been time to see more Jewish focused sites in free time which is what some of our group did. I think it's great that Tauck does a few specialist tours, but they can't cater to specific religions all the time, it would not make good business sense.

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