"Safari Pants" for Macchu Picchu?

We are travelling on Empire trip in October. As it will be Spring, we are thinking our Safari pants (which are light weight and zip into shorts) may be ideal, especially for the Macchu Picchu area. Can anyone advise if you or others have used them on this trip for MP, or any other areas? Thanks!


  • I did and so did a lot of other people on our Peru tour. I think they are a good choice for the climate and terrain. We were there in March.
  • Try them on and walk around in them. Thought my husband would like them too, but the fit from one store didn't fit him and he didn't like the zippers rubbing his legs on any of them.
  • I bought a couple of sets for Africa next Spring, but wore them every day during our two week Alps tour this past June. I love them- they are extremely comfortable (more so than my khakis and jeans) and lightweight (quick-dry), yet stop the wind and provided just the right amount of warmth. I think they would be perfect for the Andes!

    I used the 'lower leg zip-off feature' on many days. I started the day with them on, took them off as it got warmer, and would zip them back on in the evening or earlier if it was too cool at high altitude. I bought the Columbia brand (Omni-shade & PFG styles- differ in pocket style, layout, etc.) which have doubled material covering the inside and outside of the zippers, so I was never bothered by nor even noticed them. The zipper sliders are attached to the removable section of the legs. Once removed, the lower legs compress and can be store in a very small space- shirt or pants pocket, or day bag. The pants themselves compress and pack very tightly in a suitcase. In my way of thinking everything I want in casual travel pants.

    If you are looking for pants that will hold a sharp crease and the 'just-pressed' look, these aren't for you.

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