Amsterdam to Budapest October 12, 2014

I am a new Tauck traveler and have no idea what to expect, plus I am a solo traveler. I live in Springfield, MO, USA so have a long travel time. Is it acceptable to travel in nice jeans on the flight trips to and from the destination?


  • Yes, absolutely. If you are comfortable in them, wear them. You'll be in them a long time. Be sure to add the time between leaving the airport and getting into your hotel room or ship's stateroom. If your international flight arrives in the morning, it could be 3 or 4pm local time before you get into your accommodations. You might be spending the time walking around the area so wear comfortable shoes and a money belt with your passport, etc in it.

    If you can at all afford it, try to arrive 1-2 days before the cruise. It helps so much getting over the jetlag before the cruise and you'll likely meet other Tauck cruisers, your Tour Director(s), etc if you use their recommended hotel. We wished we'd added a few more days in Paris before our Rhine cruise.

  • edited September 2014
    Except for business travelers and a few others who are dismayed and long for bygone days, travel now is a very casual affair. No more coats/jackets and ties, dresses, etc. In some instances this has been caused by the airlines who treat passengers like livestock and cram them tightly together. You are more than likely to see sandals or even flip flops, rock group of choice emblazoned or tie-dyed t-shirts, and ripped and faded 'designer' jeans, often even in Business Class! I personally wish it was somewhere in between what was and what is.
  • Hi Bob,

    Absolutely. You'll have some lengthy flights ahead of you, and what's most important is that you be comfortable. Personally, I wouldn't want to wear something that I'd be reluctant to wear out in public, such as pajama pants and a sweatshirt (although I have seen people wear that on flights, particularly on red-eye flights), but I would definitely agree that you should be comfortable. My only other advice would be to pack a change of clothes or two in your carryon bags, just in case something should happen to your luggage, unlikely though it is.

  • Thanks to all for responding. I will be wearing comfortable clothing on the flight segments, but not "Jammies" LOL

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