Malaria and Measles concern for trip starting Oct 27,2014
I'm going on the trip leaving Oct.27,2014.. Wanted to know if anyone has gotten a measles booster or taking malaria pills with them Looking forward to a great trip just had these two concerns. Please post any answers you may have
I'm going on the trip leaving Oct.27,2014.. Wanted to know if anyone has gotten a measles booster or taking malaria pills with them Looking forward to a great trip just had these two concerns. Please post any answers you may have
In addition to checking what is listed in my medical records, my clinic did blood tests for the presence of Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), Varicella (chicken pox), Polio and Hepatitis A/B/C anti-bodies. So, despite what it says in my records and what diseases and shots I had before, they will give me the shots or boosters I really need. I think that is a good approach. I know I have had various forms of that vaccine over the years, most documented - shots, sugar cubes, etc., buy based on the test results, one vaccine/booster(?) they plan to give when we get closer to departure surprised me- Polio.
So far I have had shots for Typhoid, Yellow Fever, and TDaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Whooping cough)).
I'll start the Hep B series in a week or so. I think they also plan to do a PPD test for TB. Of course there is the annual Flu shot as well. I've already had the Shingles shot- the joys of getting old! After all this I'll need a break from needles, especially after yesterday's painful shot in my butt- I made a mistake of getting tangled up in some Poison Ivy a few days ago. I made a second mistake by choosing a steroid shot instead of Prednisone pills. I knew I was in for trouble when the nurse told me where I was going to get the shot, advised me to relax my muscles, and then said, "this is really going to burn!" Yoweee, was she right!!
Hep B is a danger in Asia and a travel doc would likely recommend it- in addition to getting it from intimate personal contact, you can get it from transfusions, etc. (think accident). The Hep B vaccine which is good for life, requires a series of three shots given at the intervals listed below, so it looks like you are out of luck for that one:
First Injection - At any given time
Second Injection - At least one month after the first dose
Third Injection - Six months after the first dose
We just returned from the September 12 trip and it was fantastic. We did not get either shots and all is fine.
I have not been to these countries, maybe soon. There is risk of Malaria but it depends where you are visiting. A copy of your itinerary should be taken to your travel Dr. and they will be the best person to advise you what shots and medications are required for your specific destinations within the countries. You should have an idea of your medical history and the current medications you are taking. Do you have an immunologically compromised immune system that may make you more vulnerable to certain diseases, and so on and so on. All this should be done months before you are due to travel.
Also will let us test the Malarone which we'll need in Africa in January.