I am currently traveling on the Essence of SA trip

Here's a link to my blog if you want to follow along:


Another note:
Although the exchange rate in Argentina is far better than the published rate, the better rate is only good if you bring large bills: $50 and $100. We weren't told that and have a lot of $20 and lower which I am told are better than credit cards for exchange rate purposes.

If you want the good deals, bring big bills.

Feel free to write me with your questions.


  • Thanks for all your info, Tommye! We are looking forward to arriving Santiago November 6th, to start Essence of SA tour of Nov.7th, flying in from Atlanta, GA. Looking forward to meeting everyone on our tour.
  • We were planning on using ATM machines for local cash. I assume you went to a bank or change booth to change dollars to local money. Any comments from those who used ATMs? Larger withdrawals better rate there too? Hope it warms up in Bariloche. Read your daily blog and it was great! Thanks. We leave Wednesday for a tour that begins on Friday. One week!
  • Virginia....just realized we are flying Delta out of Atlanta also. On Wednesday.
  • edited October 2014
    Hi Tommye,

    Thanks for posting a link to your blog; I'm afraid that that link didn't work for me, but I can't wait to look at it. I hope you're having a great time on your trip!

  • http://www.travelpod.com/z/spoonball/7/1414057815

    Sorry for the bad link.

    ATMs, hotels, cash exchange places all give about 8.5 pesos to the US$ in Argentina. There are street agents who give you 13.5:1. It's risky but it's worth it. Lots of our folks got lots of deals, even at H Stern. We got nervous and didn't do it. But many did.
  • Virginia Girl, I lost your email. Please write again and I will send additional info while you're on your trip.
  • What did you encounter as far as airlines and aircraft on this tour
  • The airlines were TAM and LAN if I remember correctly. All were commercial airlines with normal check in procedures. There were a couple flights where Tauck was able to Precheck us and we just took our boarding passes (supplied by the tour director) to security. Security is a little more lenient than the states. In a couple cases, we were able to take unopened bottles of water through. If you have to check in yourself, they will scrutinize your carry on if it is in a roller bag. They require 10 lbs or less. Duffles were rarely checked.
  • Flights were all on good size plans, usually 3-2 configuration. We had many flight delays due to weather. Tauck picked up all charges for overweight baggage for flights within the tour.
  • Overweight bags!
    While I have seen this happen once, I think it is greedy and unfair of people to make the assumption that it is Ok to take an overweight bag on tour. Tauck states baggage allowance for all sorts of practical reasons, not least to shorten the time between baggage pickup from rooms on a traveling day and time of departure, just think how much earlier everyone would have to get out of bed if everyone on the tour decided that they wanted to take extra bags or weight of bags. Tauck would have to employ more porters, bigger buses , stronger men. and people like me who obey the rules and are sensible and considerate about packing have to endure the consequences of those who think rules are made to be broken.
  • Finally received our passports back from Pinnacle , yesterday, Dec. 2nd, with approved Brazilian visas. Originally applied back on Sep. 15th. The Brazilian consul in Washington and/ or Pinnacle reps must be severely overwhelmed, or severely disinterested, in this aspect to their duties. Now to tackle the Argentinian visa system, on-line. I hear that is an easier task, but must remember to make sure a " bar-code" is on the papers I copy.
    Arriving on Jan. 22nd and have scouted out the "Hop On-Hop Off" website, for my extra day in Santiago. We'll relax on the 22nd and utilize this friendly and relatively inexpensive way of seeing the many spots in the city on the 23rd ( before meeting for the welcome reception at 6 PM ) that we won't be exposed to our Tauck touring day on Jan. 14th.
  • Glad it worked out for you. You will have a wonderful time.
  • Glad it finally worked for you. We, too are arriving on the 22nd. We thought we might use the "on/off" bus later that day and try to arrange a tour to Valpariso on the 23rd. Are you interested in going with us?

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