Classic Italy April 29

We're going on the Classic Italy tour the end of April. Is anyone from Northern Virginia also going? Also, if anyone who has been on that trip has some useful suggestions I would love to hear them - what will the weather be, suggestions for clothes to bring, great places to eat when meals aren't included, etc. Thanks.


  • Hi, most of your questions can be answered fro m the 'Before You Go' section of the page for your tour. Your tour director will give you suggestions for restaurants. Enjoy
  • edited January 2015
    Hi onthego,

    Like British said, most of those questions are answered in the "Before You Go" section (found here) -- and they should also be in the Personal Documents (the small spiral-bound notebook) you should have received from us after making your final payment. As for restaurants, I'd like to take off my "Tauck Employee" hat for a moment and make a personal recommendation. There is a wonderful restaurant in Florence just across the Arno from the Uffizi Gallery; if you cross the Ponte Vecchio from there and make a left, it comes up very quickly on your left hand side. Called the Golden View, it has a wonderful view of the Ponte Vecchio and Arno, and some of the best food I ate on my entire trip two years ago. Either way, though, you will have no trouble finding good places to eat while in Italy. I hope you have a fantastic time on your trip, and please let me know if you have any other questions.

  • edited January 2015
    We got a VERY early start- the 2016 itinerary & prices are not yet finalized, but we are already booked for the 8 May 2016 Classic Italy, Small Groups trip! With a K&T Safari this June and Ireland in Sept, it will be a busy 12 months! (Now I need to find the money and figure out how/when to squeeze in a Peru/Galapagos trip- maybe April/May 2017?)

    With all the snow, I wonder if any of the Tauck headquarters staff had to sleep at their desks or in the lunch room last night?

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