End of tour airport transfer - which airport?

For the beginning of the Northbound tour, it seems clear the transfer is from the Zurich airport (ZRH) to the hotel in Bern. It's not so clear for the end of the Southbound tour. Is the transfer from the Bern hotel to ZRH or to the Bern airport (BRN)?


  • I would say it is the same, but if you want to know for sure call Tauck.
  • edited March 2015
    In the 'Before You Go' section of the itinerary it says clearly Zurich Airport. Look in the 'Toir Prices' section. But still think you should call Tauck to ask. Whether you are letting them book your flights or book them yourselves, you have to be sure you know where you will be. It'S also worth reading all this section because it will answer most of your questions.
    Please post a review when you return, the cruises are so popular but there are not many reviews on the forums considering how many people ask questions on them. I'd like to read more because I have not been on a river cruise.
  • British, I was a bit surprised that you hadn't seen many reviews of river cruises as it seems like they are talked about alot on the forum. Obviously not providing the information you'd like to read. Am happy to write up a review of our French Waterways Rhone cruise from last summer. It would help if you could tell me what kinds of information you'd be interested in - daily life on the ship, excursions, logistics, etc.

    Will try and do it in the next day or 2 (competing for computer time with my husband doing our tax return) and will post in in the French Waterways forum.

    Meanwhile, I'll recommend www.cruisereport.com with reviews/blogs written by C. Dikmen and R. Richardson. There are reviews of cruises they've taken on the Swiss Emerald, Jewel and Inspire. They do this for a living but fairly objectively. The reviews have nice photos and a mix between the day to day life on a river cruise and the cruise destinations. Their review of the French Escapade cruise helped me a lot before our cruise which has some similar stops.

    I'd love to see others detailed reviews as well.
  • Hi Claudia, I've read every part of the forum, and have read some external reviews. I just don't think that considering what a good percentage of the forum has River cruise questions that there are not many reviews. I would only go with Tauck on a river cruise, do not want to risk trying out another company, especially Viking who do that awful inflated get half price off deal and spend so much money on their advertising.
    I am sure lots of people would love to see any information you put on the forum. Best wishes, B
  • Thank you, British - The Tour Prices section is clear (and Tauck confirmed the same). I was confused by the itinerary which mentioned only "the airport" from the Bern hotel.

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